
I can’t imagine why anyone would willingly eat that shit in the first place.

I heard Jeff Flake shilling for his new book on Morning Edition today, which was like ok great, but I want to know if Jeff Flake plans on actually doing anything about this mess or is he just gonna keep on voting 95.5% in line with 45 (per fivethirtyeight’s calculations)? Talk is cheap.

Matt Bevin had the chance to do the right thing and unblock social media users, but in typical fashion he ignored the ACLU’s demand letter and instead opted to double down. I can’t wait to see his ridiculous defense play out in court. I also can’t wait until he has to unblock my accounts and I get to do several

The Mooch is really a gift that keeps on giving. His humiliation will be total.

What is happening in Venezuela is extremely troubling. Please,please keep this story from falling further out of the news cycle. The government was attempting to bribe people to participate in a corrupt election by offering bread. There is an attempt to separate and starve people into submission.  

Oh no! He forgot to cure his boneitis!

Actual conversation that just happened:

Is it appropriate to fire my communications director a week into the job?

As someone who has tried to use Tinder to find someone to play tennis (the sport, not a weird sex thing) with, I like this and will try it.

Ten bucks and a fig newton says this will have a lot of ‘nice guys’ who will hope they can use it to find dates anyway...

I am so tired of Tomi Lahren: this Anne Coulter 2.0 shtick is killing me inside. And what’s worse, she’s had all this exposure and people praising her opinion at a young age: as far as she’s concerned, she’s The Child What Come To Lead Us, with her unique insights that no one else could possibly have.

I think it would be more interesting if you left the pictures off or only the company behind the app would have a picture of you to confirm identity. I’m probably looking at this more as a social experiment, but I would love to see who people would initiate “a match” with if race, gender and appearances were omitted

If Scaramucci’s story ends with bone-itis, it will all have been worth it.

Pretty sure he’s this guy:

Just like you give us a prime example of why abortion is sometimes a good idea.

Posted elsewhere, as well, but I’ve been thinking recently that at some point Trump is going to start believing this is true and woe be to Pence the day that happens.

I don’t see the big deal. Baron Trump is 12-years-old and I don’t think The Donald has ever met him.

That baby needs to get out of the NICU, pull himself up by his bootstraps and get a goddamn job! #nofreeloadingbabies

I wish Mrs. The Mooch and her baby well. And by “well”, I mean her lawyers take the Mooch to the cleaners and never look back. Leave him with nothing but his foul mouth and vile reputation.