Lone Woke Wolf Cub

Technically, following the logic of the performativity of gender, the way to read Pat would be as a non-conformist in their gender performance. So it can be interpreted that way, even though the writers were not explicitly thinking in those terms.

Yeah, "found". Secure permission to mine for obsidian, then it's 12-hour shifts down in the caves with a few torches and a sackful of Magic Markers.

Not if properly instructed. I mean, I get that they have other plans for Eugene, just seems like a bit of a plothole. NBD.

I don't. Neither does Jesse, because he never asked. Couldn't hurt to ask.

No, I get not sending him to Hell forever. Just think he could have at least explored the possibility of getting Arseface out.

Sure I'm far from the first to point this out, but what's difficult about "Go to Hell, find Eugene Root, and bring him back unharmed"?

Eugene from TWD getting his patter ready.

Based on the fact that it was Noah Taylor, can we assume there'll be a sizeable Hitler role in this season? If I can see anyone calling him up all "I saw Max, dude, you're the BEST Hitler, ya gotta come do Hitler brah, just one shot, that's all" it's Seth Rogen, but they splashed his name up in the credits and

Wanker. Noun. One who wanks.

Stupid sea-Klingons.

Counterpoint: It actually works fine and there's nothing irreconcilable about it.

Who else thought this was going to be a David Foster Wallace impersonation skit?

Yeah nah, that was pretty boring and lifeless to be honest.

Nope, puzzled over that, too. Maybe he was hoping to conceal his deception, but then he just openly tells Wednesday everything. Makes no sense to me.

Why would a Garth Ennis comic and a Neil Gaiman novel - or an AMC show and a Starz show - take place in the same universe? Apart from this one, of course. If you get me.

I was looking forward to his accent being outlandishly terrible and was disappointed that it's only a bit crap. They've got some good dialogue advisors, though - the 'bang of Benjy' line got a laugh from me.

Came here expecting a YUGE turnout from the Ancient and Venerable Order of People Who Can't Say The N-Word And How Is That Fair. Was not disappointed. Solidarity, brethren!

Weirder than Hommer Simpson?

I'm confused. Is it June or July?

'This is similar to the notion of an individual Borg existing simultaneously as a drone and the plural “collective.”'