Lone Woke Wolf Cub

I thought that was sweat, indicating effort or concentration. At least in some cases.

If I were Philip, I'd be pissed that Gabriel didn't bother telling Elizabeth that Paige should be kept out of it. If he really means it, then "Philip was right" said to Elizabeth is apt to do a boat-load more good than "You were right" said to Philip.

The soundtrack was a little too busy. Sometimes we can just have an establishing shot. Still pretty psyched for this season, though.

Yeah, this. Frankly, I could have done with shaving four minutes off Mike's montage and maybe progressing that strand of the story a little further.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he did. Stupidly convenient to have it lined up perfectly, with the play button pressed etc. No way that wasn't intentional.

"That is not a beloved sound."

Teeeeechnically, Donkey Kong from the original game is IN Donkey Kong Country.

The episode is probably named not for the book written twenty years after the episode takes place, but rather the 1896 newspaper editorial that the book itself is named after.

Yeah, the two conspiring to poison him to death seem totally DTF.

"… while we can pretend that we’re upset about the cruelty of his leadership, his greatest sin is opposing Rick."

This is kind of annoying. They compiled them, and decided to add a gloss only for one of the least obscure referents. Like, thanks for letting me know Hobbits are from Tolkien, guys.

I think he's voting with his feet regarding the West Wing theory.

I think it's more complex than that. The wide-eyed faith in Open And Honest Debate (call it "the West Wing theory") is pretty well discredited in my eyes. Yabbadabbadopolis and his ilk may be evil, but that doesn't mean they're stupid; if mainstream exposure was as bad for them as West-Wingers make out, I don't think

I was thinking Robert Cormier [slides glasses up nose].

The use of 'this' versus 'that' can be tricky.

I assume Kickstarter avenues have been explored and exhausted. DS9 in HD is definitely on my Billionaire Bucket List.

I assumed that's what they meant by 'filmed onto tapes', since they would presumably otherwise have said 'shot on tape' like a normal person.

Rapaport's whole style is chump.

Dennis Miller used to be at least clever, if not especially funny. Now, though…

Underrated comment.