
I thought I was all good. I knew what was coming - I started watching this show just a few days ago, and I already knew a bunch of spoilers, including the fact that William was going to die in this episode. I made it through the scene at Jack's tree. I made it through William's mom dying. And then…William took off his

The actress playing young Maura is not an effeminate boy. She is a trans actress named Sophia Grace Gianna. I usually wouldn't offer a correction to someone's comment, but I feel that is an important distinction. I don't disagree that she didn't resemble Jeffrey Tambor, but I was very impressed by her acting.

Yes, that absolutely would have worked better! There are so many little changes they could have made to improve this season. I was not an Adam fan in season 1, but after dealing with horrid Jeremy and clearly up-to-something Coleman and bland Darius this season, I was actually glad when Adam showed up—and then he left

This episode was frustrating to watch because it reminded me of all the wasted potential of this season. I actually thought it was one of the more compelling episodes in recent weeks, but it made it clear to me how many structural issues there were with this season's plot.

I thought this episode was pretty fantastic. After a season of frustratingly drawn-out conflicts between various characters (Riggs/Owen, Callie/Arizona, Amelia/Meredith, Bailey/Ben, Jackson/April), this episode brought its characters together in a way that felt both moving and sincere. The character-work was

The last few minutes of this episode were some of the most emotionally resonant work this show's ever done. That moment when Frankie walked by a silently weeping Grace in the darkened house and they shared some eye contact (and a nod of support, if I recall, from Grace) before Frankie walked into Babe's room just

I can't disagree with the points this review is making, but for some reason the joke I laughed the hardest at all season was Coyote coming to sit beside Frankie, rubbing her shoulder, and asking, "When has anyone in this family used the phrase 'coming in hot?'" And then Frankie replies that she doesn't even know

Oh, totally agree. LLL is an incredible episode of television. It's a Fine, Fine Line…not so much. But there are too many plot similarities to not make the connection. I pointed it out mostly because I was surprised the review hadn't—about 10 minutes into the episode I was thinking, "Oh, this is Shonda's take on

Was anyone else reminded of the E.R. episode "Love's Labor Lost"?

I lived for Naomi's look, and getting to see the details up close in Untucked made me love it more. Derrick said something interesting in Untucked that was an aha moment for me: when all the girls were asking how she felt about her look, she made a comment like, "I want what all you creative people want." And I

So I'm behind and haven't even finished this week's episode yet, but I just have to throw this question out there: does anyone else feel like Caterina Scorsone plays Amelia like she's in love with Meredith? I don't know whether it's intentional or not (I can't imagine it is, though Amelia has always read as queer to

Just on Pretty Little Liars alone, we have Maya (a black bisexual woman) and Shana (a black lesbian) both getting murdered (in Shana's case in self-defense). Not to mention Charlotte, a trans woman, also getting murdered.

No problem! I like to think that the two shows somehow take place in the same universe, and am therefore proud of Joe that his game became so successful. Aw, sometimes I miss Joe. And Queenetta, of course.

Easter Egg was, to my knowledge, the video game Emma and Mark played: Fatal Blowout, which was the game Joe was designing in Best Friends Forever.

I doubt anyone will see this, but I'll post anyway . . . MILD SPOILERS, I guess, for the rest of the season.

It's interesting to hear all the love for June Diane Raphael's performance (which seems to be consistently praised in most articles I've read about the show). I'm really only familiar with her from New Girl but thinks she's great on that, but for me her character in Grace and Frankie feels like the most broadly-drawn

It's funny, as I was watching this episode one thought that kept coming up was that I couldn't believe the show hadn't done an "Abed makes a sci-fi film" episode before. I think between all the Inspector Spacetime stuff and the Star Wars paintball episode, I thought they must have at some point.

Well said. Thank you.

No, I certainly wouldn't be offended by someone voicing surprise. Where it would start to bother me more is if the reveal became a punchline (which I don't feel is happening here—an example I can think of off the top of my head is on Friends, where Ross's wife's lesbianism was literally a punchline in the first

I appreciate your thoughtful comment!