
That's a good point. I think my feelings on it will largely depend on how far they take the joke.

So, I'd love to hear how others feel about the way they're dealing with Frankie's sexual orientation so far. Because in the "Gay Dean" episode I thought her little line about it (and Jeff and the Dean's reaction to it) was really funny. But now we have another episode where her sexuality is played as this sort of

I agree that they're relying on racial stereotypes in the writing of Dong, which is definitely disappointing. I think that ideally, there's a link to be found in Kimmy and Dong as both fish out of water, adjusting to and fascinated by their new-ish environment. My sense is that that's what the writing is going for,

Also, I just rewatched the episode, and Kimmy's little surprised face after she went into MTV-mode was adorable.

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but one of my favorite bits was how Julian referred to Jacqueline as a first wife, and then their situation actually mirrored The First Wives Club (husband having an affair with the therapist who's supposedly helping their marriage). Just a great little in-joke.