
Ironic because people have criticized Lee for decades for downplaying and stealing the spotlight from other creators like Jack Kirby who didn’t profit nearly to the extent that he did from their fruitful partnerships. I do think Lee had a genuine affection for his creations and comics in general and he wasn’t solely

I sort of assume the only people watching Dancing with the Stars would be the same people who watch Fox News.

I’m starting to think this continuing conglomeration thing might have a negative impact on the independent voices of artists or something.

I’m from South America, born and raised, so I feel like I should be allowed to give my two cents on this:

Can you stop using Latinx already. No one fucking uses it, it’s not a thing and will never be a thing. Everyone I know that’s actually from Latin America hates it and will never use it. 

The gender neutral term for Latino is Latino. No actual Latino identifies as Latinx. It’s a made up word by non Latinos. Kinda like how people who are not Native American want to change the name of the Washington Redskins, but actual Native Americans could care less.

Look, I like casserole, too, but don’t go telling me that something I can’t carry around in my hand without using a two-handed Pyrex dish is pizza. A slice of pizza shouldn’t weigh a pound and a half.

As a native of the area, I concur.  I’m sure there are meatheads who would attack me for this, but give me NYC pizza any.  Day.  Of.  The.  Week.

I feel bad for that pup, mainly because he’s about to find out that Chicago pizza is really just a goddamn casserole.

Mostly because this place is a hotbed for MSNBC commentators/viewers (such as “Dr” Jason Johnson, whom is a regular on MSNBC, and writer here). MSNBC has had it out for Bernie from day one, being a hive of neoliberals. You will see non-substantive attacks on him nonstop here. Especially when you consider who owns

What happened to the coyote?!!

Your first mistake was reading Jezebel.

Hopefully the commentators over at Jezebel won’t downplay this assault due to the fact that’s it’s a woman who was attacked this time.

Man, the kids are totally gonna cancel this guy when they figure out who the hell he is and start giving a shit about opera.

Hackneyed and empty? Given that we know white supremacist groups have infiltrated the military and police forces around the country, and are using that power to slaughter black and brown people with complete impunity, it seems like they’re revealing nothing but the truth.

Kubrick painted it. 

It’s printed on the washing instructions.  Hot, no bleach, seven loops.

I thought it was a farm. You know, the farm that my parents sent all of my missing pets too.

I don’t usually go in for conspiracy theories, but come on. There’s no way that this wasn’t murder.