
Except apparently people do use it.

Seems like an affectation.

Olive Garden is going to start selling pasta?

Kubrick painted it.

The job of the police is not to secure justice, it’s to protect the powerful. They did their job.

It would be funnier if it was a random photo by someone with that name. It would take the wheat people even longer to figure it out.

Are they going to M. Night the ending were we that Betty Gilpin’s character is actually rich and was playing the game the whole time?

Obligatory MCU Silver Surfer Casting Speculation Post:

4 albums and an ep is hardly a sizable back catalog, especially for a band that’s just shy of 30 years old.

definitely sounds like something off of Lateralus, but since that is my favorite album of theirs I can’t be too mad at it. I thought 10K Days was just “ok” and I think this track from the new album is already better than most of what was on 10K days (although I love the track “Right in Two”).

No one I’d rather hear their thoughts on politics than some famous privileged white lady!

this really should get more stars.

I know it’s not cool to like Jimmy Fallon on the internet,...

What Siouxsie song is that?

Antony Starr is phenomenal in this. I’m a huge Banshee fan, so I knew he was talented, but I didn’t know he was THIS good.

I’m wondering if I saw the same show as the reviewer. The Boys was closer to what Alan Moore was trying to say in the Watchmen than the movie adaption of the Watchmen. Sure it has goofy juvenile violence in it, but it showed the ramifications and the horror of the actions of the superheroes -albeit in a comedic way.

which version is better, though, The Modern Lovers or when John Cale did it? For me that’s a tough call.

you know, you think someone would tell ol’ Alan that the under the chin looking up webcam shot he uses for these isn’t the most flattering look.

Someone should tell the 83 year old man who is choosing the music for this show that they made music after 1975.