Chris's driveway looks like a World War II Loser's reunion.

As the owner of a 2011 335i xDrive with a manual, I like the cut of your jib.

I’ve pondered the V10 life, mainly an M6 manual to replace my late GTO. I’ve hear the horror stories. There’s an E60 M5 around the corner from me that’s had the engine out as long as I’ve lived here.  Would I be insane?

Ugh. Missed this boat but I’ma do it.

Kind of akin to the chassis-specific upgrades: I’m genuinely surprised no one mentioned raiding the parts bin. Things like getting your dirty dick-beaters on 243 heads for your LS1, or 799's if you were ballin’ on a budget. Putting CTS-V brakes on your GTmonarO. Honda and

My old Garmin swore this was called the “North J Turnpike.”

I remember seeing this behavior stateside the other year: most of the Renegade sales are probably being cannibalized by it’s platform mate Compass. I’m guessing partially due to the larger size while essentially being identical but also because the Compass is built in ‘Murrica whereas the Rennie’s we get are probably

You live in one of the happy lands where they didn’t discontinue the manual? I’ve a 2015 with the 1.4T FIRE and a stick. It’s spritely when pushed but a total dog off boost.

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No one? Really, no one. This couldn’t be more apropos. Fiiiiiiiine.


You heard me.

Call me when a designer for an open-world sequel to this leaks outta From. . .

I’m in the “Waiting ‘til 2023" camp. I’m enjoying not having a payment on the Jeep, and the Bimmer’ll off the books by then. Plus, I fully expect the 4K towing to magically become 5K towing by that point. Or, Jeebus willing, they’ll smash hybrid, AWD and 4K+ towing together, at which point vacuum decay will happen and

Pretty much my thought, actually.  Rewatch the first trailers. This ain’t Link’s arm.

If he doesn’t climb into the nosecone in the next couple years, I’d lay odds he’ll never go up in any capacity.

“Sail away, to the cold expanse of space. Even love, couldn’t keep you in your place.”

Then we have the Euro answers to this question, which I find infinitely more fun.

I’ve found the best way to learn to drive stick is the same way you learn to appreciate IPAs: it’s 1am, the local takeout’s closed and you don’t have a choice. Case in point: I learned on my GTO, which was my only car at the time. Torque covers a multitude of sins, so that Firebird should be fairly forgiving until you

Easy, they’re hedging their bets that the robots will inevitably rise up.
They’re pretty sure about the women not doing so.

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“For a one-year-only model, Honda truly went all out.”

I’d argue availability is the pretty much the only reason for this. Can’t buy what’s not on the shelf. The other factors you bring up simply are the justifications for taking the plunge on an S instead of waiting for a Series X.

That said, if the S had some form of disc drive, I’dve been one of those buyers. I can

Look, that’s only a problem if someone gets a little reckless with a military-grade AI bio-chip. Also, the producer isn’t a woman with a traumatic past involving two childhood friends who later went on to become rival test-pilots. Totally cool.

My understanding is that the T’au were retconned into a more nebulously moral group after players complained that they were too unambiguously good for 40K. I guess alien space commies who don’t shoot first was just a bridge too far.

A little help for those with a Target nearby. Their online stock tickers update at around midnight. (Found this out last summer when hunting for a pool.) Check their stock around 7am, and if it shows “limited stock” or better, be there when they open and beeline towards electronics. If it’s not is the display case,