Chris's driveway looks like a World War II Loser's reunion.

They shot down the Kestrel (from FTL) back when Ideas was Cuusoo. Then again, fuckin’ Voltron. I grok your feelings.

. . . Burger King have added new and (supposedly) improved chicken sandwiches

Now playing

Goddamit. Dave Chapelle’s fuckin’ Nostradamus.

Duuuuuude, what fucking town do you live in? Minot, where it’ll live in a garage eight months a year because they know you’ll spend half your service in the belly of a B-52? (And the majority of people with GT3 money get their dick pill shipments in the mail next to the AARP flyers.) And what coverage levels? I have Pr

Most e-bikes are either “class I” or “class II” for legal simplicity.

Class I is 20mph max with assist, class II adds a throttle but retains the 20mph max. Most of the existing laws are built around those. Class III is officially 28mph max with assist, but this seems to be the nudgenudgewinkwink end of the pool.


I have both. If you live in a metro area with a mature rail-trail network, these things are amazing. I can probably hit Philly on the e-bike in about the same time as the motorcycle, once you account for shit-show traffic. . . and I’m 30+ miles away. I’m a big dude, and most bicycles “vanish” to me. My e-bike’s 70 and

May God help us all. . .

Ah, the old Main Line. I used to work near there in another lifetime.

The railroad’s right of way was etched right after the Ten Commandments. . . so yeah, these projects aren’t fun to get planned. Getting out of Malvern (the town, ahem, “borough” proper) and over to Rt. 30 was a bitch because of that same rail. Still,

Right church, wrong pew.  I’d argue the GTO was a better example.

Goddamit. Ghost Rider 2099. How did I forget until I saw that?

Meet its cousin, the Revcon.

Hell with that. I’m still holding out for a Garland.

The brunette on the right seems to exude a degree of compassion, understanding and empathy.  The blonde on the left, not so much.

I have lists already prepped on ECS and FCP, just waiting for my E90's water pump to shart itself. If I make to 80K without incident, I might just pull the trigger out of self-preservation and then go buy a lotto ticket.

Obviously not disposable income.

Or does E39 ownership mean all income is disposable?

Getting more of a “Welcome to Eagleland, mother fucker.” vibe.

I’m less concerned about the “new model” thing, and more concerned about supply and assembly in the time of Covidia. I wouldn’t touch any new model released in the last eighteen months, and only buy a new vehicle in general if the need was absolute.

It is, though, because despite going through legit cosmonaut training, being trained of the Russian ISS segments and assisting with experiments while up there, they are pretty much forever referred to as “tourists” because they bought their seat. Hell, they haven’t even gotten a mention in any of the Bezos/Branson

Dennis Tito, the first one, pretty much went through the standard cosmonaut training, and was trained on the Russian segments. When he showed up to Dallas to be trained on the American segment (with the two cosmonauts he would fly with). NASA refused to train them all specifically because they refused to train Tito,

Interesting point. Are the first space tourists, the cats who blew millions to hang out on the ISS for a week at a time, considered astronauts? Especially seeing as they had two years of training with the Russians before they strapped in and got launched.

Bezos was cargo at best.