How can mac and cheese NOT make one feel better?
How can mac and cheese NOT make one feel better?
I'm not seeing anything, getting mostly a blank page
my work pot luck contributions just got a whole fuck ton more interesting. dead body human chalk line cookies will be PERFECT @ this year's public defender holiday party ....
Promotion idea for UK animal shelters: name all the adoptable dogs/cats "Penny," offer free adoptions the week of the heir's birth.
An engineer prepares for her wedding night!
You know, as a formally religious Jew living in a town full of predominantly religious Muslims, I call bullcaca. Religious women DO wear make-up. They DO style their hair- even if you can't see it under the scarf, you bet your sweet tuchus it looks rockin underneath. Muslim women in the long robes the names of which I…
Why would someone want to trap a person into a marriage? What possible good can come from having a husband who doesn't want to be your husband? I just ... I don't understand humans sometimes.
Okay, I think things may finally be done with man friend. I was in the process of letting it taper off and more determined than ever after an especially frustrating and joyless date last week that confirmed why I wanted out anyway. I had initially been worried about hurting him, because he seemed so into me, but in…
Can we talk about guilty pleasures? I'm watching say yes to the dress and hardcore judging everybody. These people are willing to spend more on a dress than I'd be willing to spend on an entire wedding!
Hey, here's a news flash: Gay Marriage did NOT get legalized today. At least not in the 36 states that still ban it. And my Canadian marriage is not recognized where I live either.
If you don't have any luck, maybe turn it into a necklace.
According to Councilman Joel Burns's Twitter page, Dewhurst just announced SB5 IS DEAD.
According to Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the bill is dead. That…
I saw the "In memoriam" and almost shat my pants that Cyndi Lauper had died. Thank god!