
It's mainly on the phone that it's a problem. She's always been that way. My husband and his friends have a long history of seeing how long they could put the phone down before she noticed. When we're out together, we have fun, I just don't like talking to her on the phone. It would help if she called before 10pm,

Easier said than done. She and my husband have been friends since they were toddlers. I don't usually mind talking to her, this topic just makes me nuts.

I can almost understand why people would be confused as to why you waited after 10 years of marriage. It doesn't give them the right to pester you about it, but that does seem like a long time to wait. I honestly think this friend expected us to have a honeymoon baby and just cannot understand why we haven't

I was too tired to beat the crap out of her via phone last night. I wanted to, but it just wouldn't be worth it. I dread answering the phone when I now it's her. She always have something to lecture me about, and when my opinion doesn't match hers, she lectures me more. There is a lot of societal pressure to have

She has one already, and number two won't happen until she finishes grad school. I guess her reasons are valid and mine aren't.

That's for stating that my reasons make sense. It seems that the desire to have a bedroom for a kid is unnecessary to her. As long as there's room for a bed in the living room we should be trying to pop out a kid.

She knows I want kids, so I guess in her mind, my life is incomplete without them. Therefore, if she has another baby before I have my first, she expects I'll want to play mom with hers.

I'm 31, and despite what my Nana said, I did not wait so long to get married that I'm too old to have kids already. She might not reach clinical definitions of a narcissist, but once she decides she's right, there is no swaying her. Also, the world definitely revolves around her.

I ended the conversation that way, after trying to reason with her and being given bad advice. She basically said that it's not like my husband would leave me if I got pregnant now, and I have family that would help us out. She's living off her parents right now, which makes it a viable option for me.

She has plenty of other mom friends, so it's not that she's looking for support from me. She's the type of person that gets an idea into her head and is constantly sure that she's right about it, so she won't let it go. I dread her giving me "advice" when I do have a kid.

How would you respond to a friend who cannot understand why you haven't had a baby yet? I got married early last year after five years of dating. We're waiting until we have a bit more financial stability before starting a family. My husband has a term job and we'd like him to have his next job lined up before I

My husband and his dad gave each other identical bottles of alcohol. It was not planned. They really are the same person sometimes.

My MIL always gives her kids socks. I got fun, multicolored socks, my husband got boring white socks, and his brother got black work socks. Last year I got wool socks. Socks are amazing!

There are 3 different Colbert's credited for being Laketown Spies, including Stephen. Is it really just Stephen Colbert playing three spies?

Military service or war will do that to a couple. My grandparents married 6 weeks into their relationship because he was being sent overseas. They only met because he was stationed in her city. They were together for 54 years before he passed away.

I absolutely hate that feeling. I had an amazing interview for a job in August. We chatted, I impressed her, the place sounded perfect for me. She said that she calls everyone back to let them know, unless they're terrible, and that she would definitely be calling me back. I joked that it's nice to know I wasn't

The only person who would be offended by that is my mother, and possibly me thanks to my crazy upbringing. Of course, this is the woman who was offended when our neighbor, who works as a house cleaner, offered to clean our house when my mother had a baby.

It ended with "Dang it!" I don't think they were expecting the crash.

There is a reason, beyond kids, that my family always had plastic ornaments on the tree. My cats were climbers.

I have a rather hideous, but sentimental, 4 foot tall pink tinsel tree with pink lights. This is what happens when three Jewish girls decide they want a tree and my then boyfriend, now husband, decides to let us buy one for the apartment without him. Our original plan was a white tree with blue and silver ornaments,