
There are some great parks in NYC, with nice playgrounds and lots of space. I get the feeling a lot of parents forgo having their own yards knowing there's a nice park a couple of blocks away. A lot of newer buildings also have indoor playrooms for the winter and rainy days. On the other hand, if you look in

Are you looking for city or suburbs? Or a mix of the two? NYC and surrounding areas is a huge space. Long Island and Westchester have nice schools for the most part. Chunks of NYC have good schools. I know nothing of NJ or CT though.

It's hard to know that you have relatives that you would really want at your wedding who might not still be around whenever that wedding day comes. My husband and I made the decision not to push-up our wedding date to ensure his grandfather's and my grandmother's attendance. His grandfather died just over a month

I got my hair cut super-short today. I'm super excited about this. I grew it out over the last two years for my wedding, which was 13 days ago. That annoying stuff hanging off my head and attaching itself to my chin and lips had to go.

I saw two horrible pairs of leggings on campus. Tribal print with moose. Why?

The website has a nice list of places across the country and ones that take mailed donations. I can't vouch for them or anything, but their the first hit I got on google.

I love the Unnatural (alien baseball player), the flashback of meeting the Lone Gunmen, and Small Potatoes. Home was the first episode I ever saw, which was just so creepy.

The only time my hair has held an actual style for a day was my wedding. I think the stylist put over 20 bobby pins in it though. And a ridiculous amount of hairspray.

Not with our current economy. Also, I can only imagine the pressure that it would put on the First Lady to be even more perfect. Would we be able to fire the First Lady if we disagreed with her position? Elect just the President but refuse to hire his wife?

She could quite easily get admitted to the DC Bar. If you've practiced for 5 years or graduated law school and scored high enough on two parts of the Bar Exam you can apply to be admitted by motion. My husband is considering doing it in hopes of getting a job down there.

No salary. According to wiki, her job is basically chief hostess of the US, plus whatever else she wants to do.

Isn't being the First Lady a job of it's own? I could've sworn she did a bunch of stuff related to nutrition and being active. Or does it only count if she's getting her own paycheck?

I'm imagining a cop having to say, "If you want to press charges, you have to continue the pregnancy. You can be arrested for having an abortion if you're pressing charges." Sure, that will go over well and increase the number of rapists who are convicted of their crimes.

So cute! I love your puppy's face.

Cats seem to have a dislike of things on their heads. My other cat hated it when our little parakeet would land on him. His chin would hit the floor and he'd freeze. He always was a cowardly fuzzball.

Mama looks very content to be getting love from her babies.

Not really my style, but it looks very practical and fun.

He looks far happier than my Foo when we put bunny ears on him for Easter. He wouldn't lift his head off the ground and glared angrily at us all.

What kind of bag fits clothes, sneakers, three beverage containers and two meal containers? I want that bag whatever it is.

In my purse: