"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? THAT'S FUCKING EMBARRASSING! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" he said, before turning off the 76ers game and calmly addressing his team.
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? THAT'S FUCKING EMBARRASSING! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" he said, before turning off the 76ers game and calmly addressing his team.
So let me get this straight. These people don't believe in evolution because it doesn't work like it does on the Pokemon cartoon?
I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.
Pete Carroll (walking over to Lynch and Hauschka): You know who else was ready to ride? The 9/11 hijackers, if they actually existed.
I like my gratuity grilled until it's tender. Please remember that for next time.
I saw Insane Masturbatory Rampage open for Slayer in '92.
Billy, I hate to nitpick, but I have a problem with the headline. The phrase "insane, masturbatory rampage" should be "insane masturbatory rampage." You shouldn't use a comma when the last adjective outranks its predecessor and is an integral part of the noun phrase. In this case, the rampage is not both insane…
Sortland had a blanket, a cell phone and a box of Wheat Thins with him.
Energy drinks
New team
Halftime naps
Hot beats are for closers.
James Harden: Hair should grow down out of one's face!
Lil B the Based God
"Where are you going to celebrate after the game, Rob?"
Umm...I think by definition 11-5 is much better than 0-6.
"When you play with heart..."