
Why did you do this Jia how am I supposed to masturbate comfortably now


This was lovely. I didn't know that there were so many variations on sign language!

What brand are these??

Thank you for posting this so I didn’t have to go through the extra work of actually clicking the link. It’s been a lazy morning.

I like this thing MilliHelen is doing by documenting experiences with various products over a longer period of time. Some beauty blogs just show dabs of products instead of actually testing them so this is very nice. Plus good, clear pictures! I approve.

You definitely sound like a fully actualized adult right now, good job leading by example McSwaggins.

Amy Poehler, Amy Schumer and Louis CK all may have turned down The Daily Show hosting gig.


I miss the days when I thought Sam Smith was a black man.

Yesss I used to work in the driest store ever and this is the only thing that saved my lips from cracking all over the place.

Yesss I used to work in the driest store ever and this is the only thing that saved my lips from cracking all over

Happened to me too!

Happened to me too!

Keeping track of my food has never, ever worked for me. No matter how simple it's made, whether with an app or a reminder, I can't get into the habit of it. Still managed to lose 40 lbs though. Is anyone else this much of a failure?

My only takeaway from this is you don't lotion up your legs every day?? What sort of hell do you live in.

Love Nicki, not so much into the clothes/styling (judging from what I can see through the ridiculous amount of visual effects). The world doesn't need another pair of aviator sunglasses, and the hair is meh. I AM UNDERWHELMED.

She's been tweeting the past few hours, so I'm guessing it didn't work?

Since my sister had a series of severe strokes, contributed to heavily by birth control, I get super nervous when thinking about birth control. I've considered an IUD but I'm literally PETRIFIED at this point of any form of birth control. Any ladies with a similar experience? How did you handle it?

Same thing happened to my best friend! She took hers out because she said the constant bleeding was too much.

Oh god my mouth is permanently curled up from all the cringing.

It does get better! The first few times I tried watching it I would sit through 10 minutes of the first ep and give up. It does take a while for the characters to find their footing but once they do it's amazing.