

OMG, that scene where he meets Susannah, and his hat is wet and he tips it to her and flicks a little water...

Or more to the point when he clearly takes her from behind in that first bedroom scene....

Yes, I saw this on screen and about 200x since, and I have no shame.

As a little girl in 1970's Oklahoma, I was a devoted digger of dirt, maker of mud pies (garnished with dried dog poop “croutons”) and a rabid climber of all things resembling a large pile rocks and soil.

However, I did all of those things WHILE FULLY CLOTHED. My first thought when I saw this photo was “How much dirt

Them’s the ones!

IKR??? That cake sounds amazing!

I always thought it looked like a nightgown my grandma would buy me for Christmas. When I was 7.

I get the argument about why this is a product that women of color feel is “theirs”, and I really do hope the company is not changing their formula to appease a new and completely different demographic. Not cool.

But if this argument in any way affects the production of my all time favorite body soap (even though it’s

Overcooked pasta.

Watching! Loving it. Especially Samantha Morton...that cackle is a delight. Putting the bawdy in the bawd, no question.

Gee, how ever will Jennifer Aniston ever pay the bills if she can’t hawk something?

(Seriously, just what the fuck does she DO now?)

I had a breast reduction in the years between babies. First one didn’t want to breastfeed, and I had milk for a whole country. Second kid...clamped right on and LOVED IT and I could not make more than about an ounce a day.

Still, no regrets. Breast reduction was a great decision. Don’t be miserable for years “just in

You said precisely what I came down here to say.

Not one dime needs to reach Anthony Weiner. If they are still legally married, then legally, her income is his.

I was an OB nurse in the early 00's. In the trenches as well. I think this just helps perpetuate that old message...”If you breastfeed, everything else will be fine” well as, “If you can’t/don’t breastfeed, you’re not trying hard enough, you’re selfish,” etc.

I struggled when I had my first baby 23 years ago, in

Except they made “growing up” and motherhood hinge solely upon successful breastfeeding. Wow.

Thought Lena would have been a little more about women making choices. Formula vs. breastmilk is a choice, and as long as the baby is getting fed, it really is okay. It doesn’t “make” anyone a parent or a more mature person.

Dah tay in da weend!!!

Duran Duran dressed in ruffles, had beautiful hair, perfect eyeliner...all five of them, turns out, straight as arrows. I think we just assumed all pretty, musical British boys MIGHT be gay or at least bisexual...but “the right girl”, preferably an American one (like moi), might sway them.

The 80's were a more naive

It’s Oklahoma. “1000 feet within a church” pretty much means prostitution is illegal EVERYWHERE here.

Yeah, Olenna but didn’t need a sword, did she? :-)

If you truly believe in this form of “justice”, then you should be required to actually WATCH it happen. It should be like jury duty.

To quote Ned Stark, “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you

I have never loved Floki more than when he killed Athelstan. His pious whining was the WORST. I wished they had sacrificed him to Thor in Uppsala, way back in season one.

Dude, no more spiritual epiphanies.....PICK A RELIGION AND COMMIT TO THE BIT.