Last week, I defended Warren’s approval of Ben Carson, based on the “pick your battles” logic.
FUCK THAT. No one. Approve NO ONE. Approve NOTHING that comes from a tyrant.
Last week, I defended Warren’s approval of Ben Carson, based on the “pick your battles” logic.
FUCK THAT. No one. Approve NO ONE. Approve NOTHING that comes from a tyrant.
Rumor has it that Caroline Kennedy is being groomed.
I have noticed a quirk...Cubans tend to be called or call themselves “exiles”, versus “immigrants” or “refugees”.
I guess “exiles” just sounds more poetic than “my country of birth is fucking terrifying, and I had to leave.”
There really does seem to be so many Republicans and an insane amount of hate towards refugees in the Cuban American community in Florida....I’m in Oklahoma, can someone explain this to me?? Their own parents could have been escaping Castro, they could have gotten here on a rubber boat themselves...
They are keeping their powder dry. It’s smart.
Everything is a chess game. These are pawns.
When I file my taxes this year, I’m going to use the Alternative Minimum Facts instead of the standard deduction.
I’m looking for just the right time to use “a slather of balls”.
Here comes Dumbo!!
I KNOW, RIGHT. I was watching that with my entire family for Christmas, and that was a veerrryyy unexpected response for me to have in front of them....
I get this 100%. :-(
Goddamn, you could have bounced a bowling ball off that cheek.
“You people make my ass twitch.”
“Stop the ROCKING! Stop the ROCKING!”
“It’s here. THE MUCOUS IS HERE.”
THANK YOU. I was going to ONCE AGAIN try to explain this to someone.
If a Rockette refuses to perform for any reason, depending upon what is in her contract, her employer may well terminate her employment and seek damages in civil court. Refusing service based upon discrimination is not the same thing. Totally…
If you feel okay about what you are saying, if you truly believe in what you are putting out there...then it really does not matter if it’s being recorded and played for a reporter, now does it?
Why does a meeting about such a public matter need to be “private”? It was a meeting between an employer and his employees.…
Kind of like Leo and Kate. They’re still very close friends, and they had no shenanigans offscreen.
It would be so interesting to see a reboot of that, using an iPhone, and she what she would have done.
“I don’t think he’s ever going to leave her.”
(dogears corner of Rolodex card...saved for later...)