
We’ve had two new giraffe babies at the Oklahoma City Zoo in the last couple of years (one is just a month old!)...they are freaking precious! Watching them run is a hoot.

^^^Former paramedic^^^

Dear God, those “seat belts” are a guaranteed ruptured spleen, with a complimentary liver laceration. Jezebel so obsessed with this Blac Chyna person? And a Kardashian?

I don’t read anything with “Blac Chyna” or “Kardashian” attached to it. Because I can watch this level of trash at any low rent trailer park in my city, it is nothing special. But Jezebel’s feed is always FULL of them. It’s bizarre.

My mother bought SO MUCH CRAP for my kids, the “few” gifts I gave them on birthdays and holidays paled in comparison. I couldn’t afford to do it “big”, but boy oh boy, Grandma sure did. I still struggle to get each kid (teen and young adult now) about $200 worth of stuff apiece...Grandma still spends about double

He’s sadly correct. Would not have changed a damn thing.

He likes using the word “rip” for effect.

A few months ago, babies were being RIPPED from wombs. Now drones are being RIPPED from the ocean.

I believe there’s a thesaurus app, but if he won’t even use spell check, it doesn’t matter.

“ Or have devastated families saddled with 6-figure debt after watching a horribly deformed baby die for a few weeks.”

6 is generous. $1 million and up is average.

Between this asshat and Mary Fallin, America is going to experience firsthand what it’s like to live in Oklahoma, and let me tell y’ ain’t a fucking musical.

Get ready for earthquakes, wretched public school systems and SO MUCH METH!

Treatment resistant depression is a nightmare. I cannot find a single GP doctor who will believe me when I tell them, “It won’t work.” I always get that fucking pep talk about “trying something new”/expensive after the samples run out. Then I get this look of fear (?) when I decline them.
Yes, I HAVE been to an

It’s an apt reminder of what we’ll need to make it through the next 4 years.

That look of delight when she realized how cool the new guns were!!

Pfft. Bet it doesn’t even have an open concept kitchen.


Can we have some goddamned musicals WITHOUT Kristen Fucking Chenoweth.


I’ll just say it...Ivanka and Melania, in profile pics, are identical. Only the hair is different.

Given Daddy’s creepy ass statements, that gives me the shudders.


Has anyone else asked about she a host as well? In Bernard’s memories, when they were in bed, she “paused”...was that just his memory pausing, or her?

William didn’t just “murder” the hosts...he DISMEMBERED them. Looks familiar, huh?

My theory is William=Man In Black=Wyatt.

Ford created “Wyatt” based on William’s basest and more violent fantasies....”have you finally made a worthy adversary for me”?

You are your own worst enemy, after all.  

Martha for POTUS, Snoop Dogg VP - 2020


What the fuck is up with that backdrop? Does he want his “people” to assume he’s already in 1600 Penn?

When Beyonce needs a new place to perform.