A: so you can drive with handcuffs on.
another hot pic courtesy of $Kay.
“walnut-brained right wing redneck”
Right wing? Sorry, I must have missed the part where she was lecturing about Hayek and quoting Bill Buckley.
Haha “right wing” is quite a logical leap. Leave politics out of this it has nothing to do with anything in the video.
She did. They arrested her for arson because she lit it up with those hot moves.
This looks so much like a rejected Amy Schumer sketch that I expect my wife to make me watch it later.
Mmmmmmmmmdon’t really care for the front but the rear and inside are cool enough to make me want this. Very 1980’s futuristic with just enough “bespoke.”
Naturally, one of the first hacks would be to allow the car to drive in “kneel” mode at all times, making it an instant low rider.
Hey hey now Patrick.
Let’s talk flyover country or the Dakotas as prime bugout area.
300 miles from DC / Norfolk / Baltimore / Columbus, we’re prime for the reaping if shit ever goes down. Seriously, West Virginia will become everyone else’s litter box.
Plus, even our median neighborhoods are beautiful:
you forgot the little TM
Also looks like a car version of a Dalek.
A good dealership will just give me the car.
I mean, butter’s pretty good and all. It’s a solid side.