Is everyone else scrolling down and essentially star-ing every post?
This should be illegal.
Gawker rule 1... never miss a chance to take a cheap shot at a candidate you don’t agree with, or more likely, don’t understand.
You won’t see a lot of these on college campus parking lots.
There’s a guy reading this right now who could’ve driven that beach with his wife’s CRV.
Neutral: Know anyone that bought Ferrari stock yet?
62.7% of responses on here: “I hate Dominos, I eat only all natural pizza made from wheat, eggs, milk and tomatoes that are cultivated in my state and picked/gleaned/collected only when they want to be, not when some corporate mega-farm tells them they are ripe. Sure the pizzas are $45 each, but can you put a price…
Unless you live in one of any number of places where the “local” option is actually inferior in quality an consistency to Dominoes. Or the better option is three to four times the price...
As a former pizza delivery driver, I’ve got to say that this is pretty freaking genius. Cooled storage for drinks? Always hot pizzas for when you’re (inevitably) late? Stocked compartments for sauces and pepper packets?
I have a theory that there has never once been an off-road video posted on the Internet where someone doesn’t comment on how easy it is and how they could do it in a far simpler, more basic vehicle. (Seriously — go check the comments section in off-roading YouTube videos.)