“...words only have the power you yourself ascribe to them.”
“...words only have the power you yourself ascribe to them.”
Thank you. Sometimes I wonder if most people take a mom passing as hard as I, and as it appears Trina did. Where she went, I went, and vice versa.
No matter how old you are. When you are tight with your moms, loosing her can be like loosing a part of yourself. At least that’s how it was for me.
Thanks. I kinda get it. I mean, just look at the opiate drug companies/dealers. The lies t the public still continue today. So I can understand the reluctance.
I definitely understand PoC being suspect of all things medical. I think it’s partially why I was so reluctant to seek help. Not to mention how getting medicated is often a crapshoot to see what work, and at what dose. I wanted a guarantee that I’d feel better soon. The way I saw it, why bother if therapy and meds…
It I so important to get help. Like you, I struggled with mental illness much of my life. Which led to addiction. Because I was too embarrassed to say “hey y’all, I’m in pain right now. And I need help!”. But once I got help(forced thanks to the DOC), I don’t even know how to describe what my life has been like now…
What’s strange is how you can be lifelong friends with someone, and not know they have trash views. Just a few minutes ago I did a FB search for the event hall, hoping I’d find their page (it’s been deactivated btw). Well, I came across a random FB post by a White woman instead. She was criticizing the fact that the…
Or to a theater, balcony seating perhaps? Just sayin’.
Pretending? Wtf???
I don’t know the legality of this idea. But are there any police departments with residency requirements? Perhaps if they saw the area they serve as their own community, they’d be less likely to see their job as “us vs them”, and perhaps less likely to go into RoboCop mode.
Showed video to my 18 year old son.
An “A” for effort?
Didn’t know it was possible to be so jealous of someone’s legs. Shit...that dress, the train, and those LEGS! Just gorgeous!
I’ll still stick with agnostic. But thanks.
Laughed out loud so hard at that just now 🤣🤣🤣.
No. I am not an atheist. Not that I am scared of the label. I am not an agnostic because I believe in a some form of a higher being. I just haven’t settled on what that higher being is as of yet.
Personally, I’m agnostic. So I have no dog in this deal with the devil fight. With my limited knowledge of Christianity, and childhood misery in the Southern Baptist faith, I always thought any dealings with evil no matter what the beneficial gain, it was always supposed to be a hard no-go zone.
I’ve even heard from some delusional evangelicals if they have to rub shoulders with the evilness of tRump & Co. as a way to achieve that goal. The ends justifies the means.
I never saw it that way. Til just now. And now that you mention it, you do have a good point. It’s fucked up. The business separation should not be considered when determining alimony. And considering he’s the cause of the business failure, he shouldn’t make out like a bandit. Like you said, those are the breaks.