Yes...They Are Real!

And lets not forget the talking point of black crime rates. Their refusal to understand that stats can be construed to fit just about any narrative is maddening, it’s enough to send me into an epileptic fit! Logic is out the window with conservatives. Any witty comeback for that?

You’re not overanalyzing it at all. Actually, before our discussion, I never gave much thought to how being in a IR relationship might change the dynamics of one’s sex life. But once we talked about it, we figured out a healthy balance where everyone is comfortable.

I don’t get it. She keeps saying she won’t talk about it, but constantly throwing hints and daggers(rightfully so) at him and his new baby muhva on her show.

Who TF approved this dumbass shitty comment?

My new go-to comeback.

Since when Dave looking all extra swole and shit? Not that I’m complaining or nothing, I’m just saying.

I showed this article to my guy. And he was like, “you remember early on, when you discussed the whole being dominated(sorry if TMI). Well, the reason I was always so hesitant to was because the look of a White guy controlling a Black woman during sex just didn’t sit with me at first. Just the optics might come off a

My SO is a White guy, I’m a Black female. I try my best not to kink shame. Because what consenting adults(whatever the number) do in bed is nunna my business. We even experiment with mild dom/sub play. But this couple right here, they got issues. That’s all I got to add.

And to that quote as your response, I say...

I’m in a similar boat as you. I wish I could do the change in lifestyle. But I just can’t imagine enough appetizing veggie based meals that could sustain my finicky palate. Just the idea of tofu, nuh-uh!

Was it a part of an overall exercise+diet plan? Or just diet? And if just diet, notice any weight change?

I highly doubt the local White population are even willing to work under the type of conditions that exists in meat processing plants for the same pay the current employees are offered. No one is taking their jobs.

Ikr! Just based on numbers alone. When you take the few remote examples of Blacks murdering Whites because of racial hatred. Compare it to the number of Whites and White nationalist groups who target, lynch, and murder Blacks and other PoC. There should not even be an argument over who’s the actual threat here.

Did not know the employees had just won a large settlement. The raid is starting to make sense now. Trying to get out of paying up.

Damn, the whole family?!? Based on the replies, I thought it was just the Dad who voted against his own best interests. I just don’t get it. The closest equivalency I can think of would be like my family supporting George Wallace and Bull Connor after loosing a relative during the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing.

I’m literally tearing up right now. Who is this baby’s advocate? And why tf did they think a photo-op with dude was a good idea??? Excuse me if the answer is already in the article. But I’m just so pissed, I just didn’t want to read the rest.

“...he literally took a photo with Melania-bot holding a baby recently orphaned after both parents were killed in the El Paso shooting, wearing a full smile and giving a thumbs up...”

Ain’t we though!

What’s old is new again? 🤷🏾‍♀️

Day-um! That was harsh. But rightfully so.