
Full disclosure: I don't actually wear overalls but I am not ashamed to admit that I regularly wear old, worn in flight suits that I have collected from pilots who are bigger/taller than me. They're so soft, like snuggies but with a hundred zippered pockets for your every need. Plus, they're FREE! And if someone

I work from home! Pants never! (I am sure I will get tired of it soon.)

I spend every waking minute when I'm not in public with my pants unbuttoned. I do NOT have the discipline/obsession level for this.

LOL mostly he's just insecure about having me talk about him on Jezebel. He's like YOU TOLD THEM SHE WAS MY FAVORITE? THEY THINK I'M AN ASSHOLE DON'T THEY.

My mom teaches small children and occasionally uses a Count Von Count puppet (from Sesame Street) when working with math/numbers. She does the voice, the accent, the whole nine yards; the kids love it.

I cannot recommend The Chris Gethard Show enough to everyone here. If you like the honesty and genuineness of him in this, you'll love his show.

Morello was my dude's favorite from the first scene she appeared in. He loves her accent, mostly.

SPOILER: I don't think I breathed the entire time she was in Christopher's house.


I don't get it at all.

Its hard sometimes when you aren't married to a d-noz to envision how that would be, but I do know some ladies who have husbands that never touched a diaper. Mine is fully immersed, although he stayed away from the clean laundry because he didn't know which inserts went with which diapers. He's an engineer, but diaper

I don't think she has shit planned, I just think that the world is ridiculously fucking predictable.

I absolutely LOVE that we are talking about what it means to be transgender and what it means to be inclusive and work together to further the rights of everyone on daytime TV for everyone to see. It is an exciting time to be alive. As short as a decade ago this openness did not exist.

This is a great clip, and it inspired me to Google her name. She wrote a powerful piece about the sexual assault she experienced in college, and how she is dealing with the knowledge that she and her attacker the same alma mater.

It's pretty awesome. I wish we all could have her confidence.

She's like, "yo dude, I got a free one for you here too." #sleazeballwonderwoman

Good for her! We need more normalization of breastfeeding in America

We all know the only person who's "best for the job" in ANY business is a straight white male. Anyone else who's picked for a job is picked because of political correctness, which is ruining our country btw.

I cannot hear the name "Rawls" without thinking: