
Exactly, this guy doesn't want this attention and here we are. The author acknowledged that he basically said "Don't post me on Jezebel" then proceeded too anyway.

my devoutly Catholic grandpa bought me a lobster dinner when I graduated from college in 1992. He said he wanted me "not to be so impressed by some guy who came along and bought me lobster that I'd do anything for him...". At that point I had been sexually active for four years.

I am majorly crushing on your dad right now. In a non-skeevy way.

I'll bet your 13 year old self would not have predicted your dad would become an internet feminist icon.

I SO want to see the marketing campaign for this.

Can we make that a thing? We can make that a thing, right? JEZEBEL, HEARKEN!

I want a "trust your judgment" ring!!!

As the mother of a daughter, not the sort of poses I'd like to see my husband strike with her either. They are creepy and weird and the photographer lame-ass quote about this being the girls' idea and their dads just want to protect them is an idiot.

These are incredibly disturbing.

As a liberal parenting atheist...

Yes. I just can't believe it got through all the way to the newsstand. The late night comedians are going to have a field day with this.

This is why there is porn, pictures of women nearly naked everywhere and yet...these guys still do this. It tells you something, namely that they do it because they get off on the lack of consent, on the predatory nature of it. That's was really grosses me out.


Zero sum games are really hard standards for humans. I've said horrible things in my life and have gone on to still be a pretty decent social justice educator. This type of apology is an excellent example of how to come off sincerely instead of #sorrynotsorry.

Pretty incredible that you think your own experience is somehow representative of everyone's. Or that your experience is some standard everyone should abide by.

Aspirational. I don't care. I love it.

Out of curiosity, how many needy kids have you adopted?

At that point, that's really just natural selection.

This. My body looks very similar as well. And while I love my body and my looks (I stare in any reflective surface I can find, ha) there's this voice in my head that says "others will never love it". And it makes me sad because I want someone to find me as beautiful as I find myself (huh, that sounds narcissistic

Re: Pippa