Aaron Sorkin, a pompous, privileged, overrated, sexist, racist white guy, thinks he knows better than the original creator and author of these characters?
Aaron Sorkin, a pompous, privileged, overrated, sexist, racist white guy, thinks he knows better than the original creator and author of these characters?
I’m very happy that this young man has found a stable home. I’m sure the ink is not dry on the movie deal. I am however going to comment of TFA. Education in America is the only place where you can have no credentials, experience or necessarily aptitude and find a job. Of course this is also true for the highest…
I think a lot of this is goes to how many modern women seem to have been conditioned by our culture to seek external validation over trusting themselves, something that social media has really heightened. It seems like many moms, especially new ones, feel they have to prove to their peers and other people that they…
For all you bitchasses in the comments who waited tables at some chain restaurant in college talking about how fucking easy it is to split up the checks preemptively . . . IT’S NOT ALWAYS THAT EASY. I worked at a WIDE variety of places post-college, from shitty sports bar to 4 star fine dining, and not every POS works…
And if you go back to pre-partition Palestine, Jerusalem was the capitol - so their claim to it is pretty solid. We are in the here and now, though, and the latest history takes precedence - it was unified by force. Sharing Jerusalem as a capital for both states, I think, would be a fantastic outcome. It would show so…
Irrelevant. Half of that city is also what would be the capitol of a Palestinian state. The half conquered in ‘67 by Israel, mind you. Also, the rest of the world does not recognize this, because of the divisive nature of it. Insisting on this as Trump is doing is expressly going to make the 2-state solution significan…
Chicken liver mousse! Chef Steps did a treatment on this a while back and got me intrigued. I’d love to see what you come up with.
These kids can legit spit. When her flow switched up with the beat, I nearly fell out.
My freshman year of college, I attended a small women-only liberal arts college in Virginia (it’s gone co-ed in the last few years, but at this point it wasn’t). I’m from California and was a little worried about being alone on my own so far from home, so I requested a room in the dorms’ No Man Hallway. The other…
I started babysitting at age 13 in the early 1990s. I freaked myself out so many times, just being young and into reading horror fiction, and staying at houses on the outskirts of the small town where there were fewer streetlights. So I have many overactive imagination stories, but this is one I still wonder about
Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf.
This is a little more creepy/disturbing than scary, but it’s something that still gives me chills when I think about it (and I try not to think about it very often). Note: All names have been changed.
Not scary, but still…
So, in her life, my mom has gone through some shit. Sometimes, she’s not the most reliable narrator, but she tells this memory so consistently and with such emotion, that I believe her. She grew up in the late seventies, and eighties. My grandma was (still is tbh) a disaster. Grandma was part of the California…
A bakery I worked at had just gotten a new client, and to keep up with demand we’d had to add an overnight shift to prep stuff for the early shifts when they came in. As the manager, I worked the first few weeks of the shift myself (alone) so that I could train whoever we hired later to do it.
YES. THIS IS MY FAVORITE POST OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They should just show him the graph again in a few months, but turned upside down. He won’t know the difference.
How insecure must these old bastards like Jerry Jones and Mike Pence be in their white privilege that the sight of a few black players kneeling silently during a song makes them so agitated that they cannot enjoy their greater privilege of undercompensated (mostly black) labor sacrificing their long-term health to…
A fine cheat sheet. But go to a South Indian restaurant and treat yourself to dosas, upma, and idlis and sambar.