Why do conversations about race fall apart when we have them with white people?
Why do conversations about race fall apart when we have them with white people?
I will never forgive so-called leftists who parroted the alt-right in attacking Hillary Clinton. NEVER. They were so determined to smear her for not being good enough they didn’t even realize they were doing the Nazi’s job for them.
Third party votes aren’t why Republicans control Congress. It wouldn’t be an issue if people didn’t think every Congressperson but theirs sucks. A Trump Presidency would have been feckless if Dems had put money and time into state races. They didn’t. I am involved with my local Democratic committee. They fucked this…
A national version of the Heartbeat Bill, a bill that would effectively ban abortion at roughly six weeks of…
I have nothing but respect for The Whites, even though many of them are addicted to opiates and are too lazy to get a job! I have some Whites in my family, they are good people, hard working, respectful! If all The Whites where like The Whites I know, they would be happier.
Ranch dressing is for city folk.
What exactly do we mean when we say “humanize” him? The way it’s used in your comment and in the article it sounds like it means “talking about him in any context other than explicit condemnation.” I hate the guy as much as anyone, but to suggest that he shouldn’t be made fun of because it would bother some people to…
Fuck off with this shit, please.
As an official White Person From Connecticut™, I can brook much of this ribbing in good humor. My tartans and cakes and mug toppers will survive this onslaught of Magaryisms. My holiday good cheer will continue apace and my cup will runneth over with nasty-ass truffle oils while I listen to the Non-specific Winter…
True, but why do we always hold the women responsible for these decisions? This law does not target men to be persuaded to feminism, it targets women to be scorned and humiliated in public.
I do get how people can do it (which was obviously not the case in this situation). When this happens, it’s not typically when they are taking a cross-country trip with their kids, it’s when they are going through the rote motions of their day. Have you ever gotten in your car to head to ____, but gotten halfway to a…
I’m still trying to figure out how to phonetically write “punching a hole in drywall,” which is what I do when I think of these cock-knocking, smeg-eating, SS-cosplaying human equivalents of an anal fissure.
This really has a glorious ring to it. I appoint you official name creator to help us through this national nightmare.
Let’s stop using “alt-right” and call them what they are...
If anyone still thinks Bernie would’ve won the general, look at this oppo research that could’ve been used. Uffda.
Shock is a luxury. No time for luxury anymore. Time to organize, protest, volunteer.
This is what Democracy looks like... the people voted, people that maybe disagree with you won the day...
This is not the outcome I wanted, but it is the outcome we have reached. That is how democracy works.