
Is this really such an awful thing if it means we get more Leah Remini? I mean, yeah, someone is getting fired but... c’mon, Leah Remini.

Thank you for your so helpful advice. You do understand that with a child with a medical,disorder she has to stay at an income level that ensures she gets Medicaid, right? She probably needs shift accommodations too.

“I have a family of four” means two of them are her kids. One is a grandchild. And she counts herself, because she is a person in her family. Perhaps before casting aspersions about all the kids she’s having (which, I guess she had all on her own via immaculate conception with no man involved whatsoever because

I can’t get over the fact that policy is being dictated via fucking twitter. What a shitshow.

The BCA will absolutely leak anything negative about a white person to protect a cop. They did it in a Mankato police killing earlier this year where they leaked the toxicity report on the victim - a white man who was a school teacher.

Yes, I would consider them Jewish by faith and not genetically. How is that even a question? You can be one and not the other. You can be Jewish genetically and be a Satanist.

The Jewish people are a homogeneous group with all the scientific markers for what we call race. They have a distinct genetic signature, exhibited by things like certain diseases being significantly more prevalent. Not sure how that’s not a race.

I agree with all points here totally. LD seems to have used her vast means - financially and via network - to give this dog a better, more structured life. Her public persona leads me to believe she was probably not prepared to have a shelter dog - she reads supremely narcissistic, and it seems like her two new

I’ve worked in a shelter, too, and I wish more people knew what really goes on. Are there assholes who give up their pets for no good reason? Sure. But are there also people who sit in the reception area for hours, crying, because they have no other options? Yes, there are lots of them. You have to do what is best for

I’d like to think “oh he did this because he’s stupid” but honestly I think he did this because 1: they’re fucking untouchable at this point and 2: his supporters don’t give a shit, they see nothing wrong with it. When Trump said that he could fucking shoot people and not lose any supporters, he meant it. Strap in,

Agree and am in love with your username.

Agreed. And I totally understand that, sometimes the resources just aren’t there to work with a dog safely and humanly.

I think your last point is the crux of the issue. I’m hard pressed to base this on personal, anecdotal experience. I’m not a dog trainer but as a LA shelter vol, I’ve seen lots of “bad dogs” turned in who are actually GREAT dogs but just need to be crate trained for a few weeks to housebreak, or who need leash work

I mean, god forbid she doesn’t answer I guess.

I don’t understand why everyone is upset about her finding a new home for her dog when the real issue is why she decided if she couldn’t manage ONE dog she should go out and get two different ones.

Yes. Heaven forbid we say truthful things like some animals cannot be trained out of aggression or trauma. Better to let people adopt potentially dangerous animals than assume they can figure out that this trainer was talking about a situation that can happen SOMETIMES. What. A. Dick.

There is no straw man in my comments, but I see that we’re not really communicating, so I’ll stop here.

There are parts of her story I can believe. We had a shelter dog who got extremely aggressive after we’d had him for a while. If you woke him up suddenly he’d attack (came at my face once, luckily he didn’t get me). I remember once, when I was on the sofa, one of my brother’s friends was over and tripped and fell

I have had a foster dog for 3 years. He can’t leave, and I can’t formally adopt him yet because of his behavioral issues. He was gentle and friendly in the shelter— because he’s an extremely sensitive dog, and when you separate him from me, he shuts right down. The rescue and I have worked with 3 dog trainers, and

Eh. My mom got the sweetest dog at the shelter about a year and a half ago, and eventually he turned into a growler and a biter and a dog with food aggression. Through multiple trainers and boardings, she’s finally looking to re-home him. It really does happen.