
“No one deserves another person.” YES! I don’t know why this is so hard for people to understand. Nobody is owed another person!

It’s not so much that they like ‘outside politicians’... if that was the case, they’d be flocking toward Green Party and Independent candidates. These people like BULLIES. They take malicious enjoyment in the fact that others are being unrepentantly beaten up on — very similar to WWF fans (except these people are

The issue around Jewish people being white or not is EXTREMELY confusing, including Jews (like me.) I am white in society (although there are varying degrees of whiteness within the Jewish religion and culture) - that said, I am a recipient of white privilege in many parts of the United States on a very top level.

I’m a POC and, when I was younger, I genuinely could not understand why Jewish people are not considered white. I was deeply and entirely baffled by this. It wasn’t until I took a college course on the history of Judaism and the founding of modern Israel that I even vaguely understood the distinction and, even after

Absolutely not. Beyonce lip syncs a LOT. And that’s because singing and dancing for an hour +, 5x a week, for 3-9 months during a world tour is damn near impossible for even the most talented artists.

I very much agree. You WANT to hear Mariah sing.

Umm it’s not exactly a secret that she lip syncs a lot of the time or doesn’t even sing at all and just screams into her mic while the backing track runs in the background or the back up singers do the work.

Now playing

We all know Britney isn’t a gifted singer. She’s hardly a gifted dancer, basically pantomiming versions of the same 5 dance moves from the beginning of her career and prancing around the stage. She’s a product. She’s performance art.

I think that’s why people were outraged when Mariah was caught lip synching. It’s one thing if the artist is putting on a show, but if they’re just standing there singing the music should be live.

Totally agree with this. Also, the article headline here really wanted you to think Silverstone was like actively hating on Wonder Woman, when really she just seems to be someone who hasn’t seen it or wasn’t particularly blown away by it. How / why have we gotten to this place in the world where if we don’t actively

Part of the problem is that each time the media announces a new female driven movie it is presented as such an amazingly unique event that all the past such movies are diminished. As if this was the first time ever, not just since the last time. There is no sense of continuity.

Or Cher less, as the case may be.

I was all ready to storm in, guns blazing, in defense of Wonder Woman but after perusing the article, I’m...not quite sure what question is she’s even being asked, or even what the point is she’s trying to get to, really, and ended up realizing the flow of the conversation seems really strange and almost, in a way,


Dear Jane,

I live right here in LA. These movies all take place in pseudo-middle class neighborhoods and follow “regular people” around! Many of these movies are filmed right in my neighborhood of Cheviot Hills (and once or twice in my driveway), because to the rest of the country, it “looks” middle class. A tear down

BRB writing outline for Bway show about robbery, mistaken identity, the thin blue line and BLM and how they converge.

Absolutely no snark intended but this movie has truly been made in some form (the frothy ensemble comedy about the vicissitudes of [fill in the blank], set in the perpetually-sunny Los Angeles”, a million times?

You’re absolutely right! The primary concern of theatrical audiences isn’t entertainment, it’s historical accuracy. That’s why “Hamilton” was such a flop—everyone walked in, took one look at all those black people, and turned right around again. Certainly Broadway is wise to avoid that kind of box office disaster!

Fixed it for you.