
Well the current owner of the promotion is involved and she used to be on the show. Also they have Chavo training the actresses which is a good touch considering his uncle Mondo was the original trainer for GLOW.

This one (for example). I agree that it isn’t that simple to say “just get rid of white racists cops”. This will not solve the problems. I think that stopping a disproportionate amount of black drivers is in part racism, the belief that people of color are more involved in crimes and more dangerous and bad training.

I know, I was calling out the person above. Was hoping for a response, didn’t get one, just a star.

This. This is so important. The mentality is black people are violent criminals and cops are defending their lives, OR cops are bigots and racists and killers and black people are angels. Neither is accurate, or even close to being accurate, but the longer we go on pushing the issue with an extremist foundation,

Well, why wouldn’t it work, better yet, how could it be worse than what we have now?

I’ve been working as a freelance transcriptionist for six years now. If I gave you a dollar figure what how much I earn a year, you would laugh. I earned three times as much as an employee for the Canadian federal government with paid holidays and benefits. But I had to take my time off when the boss told me I could

Fancy Feast is not poison.

A TV, or all the house lights is unreasonable, sure. But a single LED bulb running in a lamp is a negligible use of energy if that’s what keeps a living creature happy.

You mean the trainers? The original female trainer passed away. GLOWs current owner is involved with the show obviously and is one of the former talents of the original show.

It would have been cool to ask why the ladies who made G.L.O.W. possible weren’t aware of the show’s existence or given any kind of compensation.

Not true. My cat and I shared a 180 square foot studio apartment for many years. (By Columbus Circle, two blocks from Central Park, super cheap rent, eat your hearts out Millennials!) She lived a long and healthy life because the first thing I did was carpet one of the support beams on my loft bed. She climbed, jumped

Why do dog people feel the need to belittle cats and cat people in an article clearly for people who own cats? Seems like such a waste of time.

My best guess would be either she asked if she could do a makeup collum so she could expense a whole bunch of make up to her job and have fun with the products or they asked to do a make up collum and she has no idea how to/ does not have a serious interest in makeup so that’s why it’s not very good.

Co-signed times a billion. Not sure why there’s no decent pics, no useful info, and stupid face-pulling. The author seems to have no beauty background knowledge (why are you applying highlight to the side of your face? Who applies moisturiser like that?) and brings nothing to the table - what’s even the point of this

Whyyyyyyyy why why is a beauty column using lo-res gifs, compressed color, no before-and-after pics, no product pictures and no clear indication of what the product looks like on your face? I know you guys are going for something different, but you’re completely abandoning the point to do so. Not to mention, the

Yes, totally. I also find it extremely disingenuous. EVERYONE exaggerates their feelings. People are always striving to connect to others and, in that attempt, try to create analogies that help solidify that connection or level of understanding.

Well said. Over analysis of words and willful outrage for the sake of being outraged do a lot to obscure and desensitize people to actual prejudice.

FFS. Travel like a pro. Don’t board first class until the masses have wiggled onto the plane. Then slip in quietly. But his ego is too large. He’s become a delicate flower

Arguably since he is writing in english, the common thought would be to write in english. Since, you know, english. And writing it in french in an english letter IS a misspelling. I get the pretension is that his family lives in France but honestly,do you think he writes about his family when he is composing a letter