
As somebody who went to Zimbabwe in college (I studied abroad and was backpacking) and didn’t tell my parents where I was because I knew they’d be upset, I can report: You just don’t think it will happen to you. You’re in a foreign area, and everything keeps being thrilling, and you just continue exploring. The

I posed this question and was accused of victim blaming. I don’t think the penalty for making bad travel choices should be death, so... not victim blaming. At the same time I honestly cannot understand why in the hell someone would want to go to North Korea. It seems like the opposite of fun.

My goodness, them boys are ugly.

Interesting, but I don’t like the idea that all career advice is bad and tells us to just put on a blazer and pretend we went to Harvard. There’s plenty of fantastic advice out there that is nothing like what is described above. I guess you are advising that we should just ignore all of the career advice articles on

It’s been an incredibly long time since any level of virtuosity was required to be a huge pop-star. You could make the same argument for Rihanna (really can’t sing as her live performances remind us time after time), Lady Gaga (moderately talented across all fronts which is especially glaring now that she’s gotten

This is pretty fucking stupid. I am an artist and have paid major homage to the First Americans of the PNW in the US in my art. That being said, misleading and misrepresentation are bad, obviously, but banning/punishing “cultural appropriation” is an absurd notion.

I thought it was a “travel ban”.

Adults who live their entire lives managing, thinking about, and obsessing over child athletics, Olympics or otherwise, are bizarre and freakish.

No. It doesn’t.

Personally, I hate the presumptuousness of Obvious Child. A superhot actress plus vocal fry does not equal honesty. I’m uncomfortable with the producer explaining that the film isn’t an “abortion film” but rather a romcom where things happen, one of them being an abortion.

That’s a cop-out. That’s not

LOL, yes. She’s irritating as all hell. Except when she was on parks and Rec. I’ve been dragged to her movies/forced to watch them on streaming by my girlfriends and legit don’t get her.

Same. She’s incredibly annoying. The only time I’ve found her funny was as Mona Lisa Saperstein in Parks and Rec.

It does seem very performative and not quite authentic. Also, way too precious for a woman in her mid 30s.

I am so glad it’s not just me. I started following her on instagram bc she initially seemed funny and engaging. But, holy shit is she exhausting, immature, and unfunny. Like, wow. She is COMMITTED to the Gilda Radnor cosplay in a really obvious way.

I love me some JSlate, but this seems like the kind of movie that a real 90s kids would see the trailer and roll their eyes and be like “whatever, man.” And then skateboard away.

ugh enough with the jenny slate manic pixie dream girl with an edge crap

This this this. This is at the highest level of politics you can get. It IS confusing. It’s not my experience with dementia at all from having two grandparents in assisted living and having met dozens of other sufferers. He should really resign if this is how he conducts himself day to day.

Well most people with dementia aren’t questioning the former director of the FBI at a senate hearing about possible Russian interference in a presidential election. I wouldn’t wish Alzheimer’s on anyone and I understand feeling gross about it but this isn’t your grandma forgetting where she left her keys here. He’d

Something about her story always gets me more than other similar ones. There seems to be a vulnerability to her that I wish someone had either protected, or helped her find a way to guard. So fucking sad. Watching that Diane Sawyer interview is really uncomfortable. I don’t know if she had an eating disorder or not,

I’m waiting with you. I wonder if whoever thinks it’s an overstatement is old enough to recall, firsthand and vividly, what a MASSIVE star she was at her height, and the way her image was portrayed at that time. I remember, firsthand and vividly.

I am just thinking of ones I’ve enjoyed which were at the peak and then crashed, so George Michael