
Hmm I think she is more playing the part of someone who is self aware, but isn’t actually.

To be fair, Bethenny Frankel is a sociopath, so I’m not entirely confident in her ability to psychoanalyze.

THANK YOU. There is a finite supply of rescue vehicles (boats and otherwise), not to mention available human beings who are in a position to help. If a Mexican rescue squad can reach Houston earlier than one sent from, say, New York or California, it could mean saving more lives.

Couldn’t be less here for this, similar to Urban Outfitters who has her “Joanne” collection on sale for $.63 or best offer.

and having them stick out of awkwardly flared jeans

very real housewives of OC 2007

I know it seems impossible, but to be fair, the election kinda was almost a year ago.

Haha so funny, I felt the exact opposite. Either way, Richard Kind & Paul Reiser deserve noms!

It’s actually crazy how many wonderful comedies aren’t nominated, but washed up industry stalwarts like Modern Family (and this season’s) Veep continue to get votes, along with tired ass Silicon Valley. I understand it’s almost completely political, but there is so much great TV on streaming services that feels

Yeah, and to be clear, no one is *handing* Sonja Morgan business opportunities. She wanted to sell a toaster [no one is getting rich off of a toaster], she tried to create a clothing line of middle of the road priced junk when her demo is currently in Gucci Pucci and Chanel, and she was the only one silly enough to

I knew that this came from Jamie Denbo before reading the article because she has talked EXTENSIVELY about working at ren faire for several years. I imagine she knows this.

Uh, she brought it up.

Dallas will be back in like 2 weeks.

*can’t bend down

I am temporarily disabled with a broken tailbone. The grocery store has become an actual nightmare - I can bend down to pick anything off the shelf below chest height, I’m getting slammed into by other shoppers’ carts and wild kids, and carrying bags of food is very painful. I would imagine that there are plenty of

Here is a great quote, regarding the world’s existence in general, that I think puts old SH into perspective: “I mean really, you gotta have a explanation for this. You can’t tell me this spun out of a gastrous ball. And then all of a sudden we were evolved from monkies. Why we still got monkies? It’s too much open

CW is a joint venture between Turner Media & CBS. Not saying that means they had anything to do with that show creation, but that is why they take credit publicly.

To be fair, you could always “stay on your parents’ insurance” until age 26, assuming your parents had employer sponsored health insurance (which I would guess her parents had.) So while it’s nice that Obamacare insurance also allows this, it’s not specific to O’care.

I think you mistakenly referred to this as “Friends with Money”

I agree with all points here totally. LD seems to have used her vast means - financially and via network - to give this dog a better, more structured life. Her public persona leads me to believe she was probably not prepared to have a shelter dog - she reads supremely narcissistic, and it seems like her two new