
I think your last point is the crux of the issue. I’m hard pressed to base this on personal, anecdotal experience. I’m not a dog trainer but as a LA shelter vol, I’ve seen lots of “bad dogs” turned in who are actually GREAT dogs but just need to be crate trained for a few weeks to housebreak, or who need leash work

I mean, god forbid she doesn’t answer I guess.

OR she could have said nothing and just gone on with her decision and her life. But internet culture + fame whore + desire for praise makes that kind of choice impossible for her.

Excellent point.

Amen to everything here. And, I can’t imagine a person or a dog who WOULDN’T be better off without Lena Dunham!

Lena Dunham is the scum of the earth, Mars & Jupiter combined. But this really does happen. I’m a longtime animal shelter volunteer and have seen so, so, so many owner surrenders that are complete bullshit. I have wanted to knock the f out of people so many times. I have a rescue pit who is a gd champion and I’m

Other people’s oppression doesn’t negate your oppression. This mentality is a key factor in the disjointedness and discord that is currently keeping liberals and the Democratic party down.

It’s just the attitude of the today - offended for the sake of being offended.

The issue around Jewish people being white or not is EXTREMELY confusing, including Jews (like me.) I am white in society (although there are varying degrees of whiteness within the Jewish religion and culture) - that said, I am a recipient of white privilege in many parts of the United States on a very top level.

Absolutely not. Beyonce lip syncs a LOT. And that’s because singing and dancing for an hour +, 5x a week, for 3-9 months during a world tour is damn near impossible for even the most talented artists.

Totally agree with this. Also, the article headline here really wanted you to think Silverstone was like actively hating on Wonder Woman, when really she just seems to be someone who hasn’t seen it or wasn’t particularly blown away by it. How / why have we gotten to this place in the world where if we don’t actively

I live right here in LA. These movies all take place in pseudo-middle class neighborhoods and follow “regular people” around! Many of these movies are filmed right in my neighborhood of Cheviot Hills (and once or twice in my driveway), because to the rest of the country, it “looks” middle class. A tear down

It’s not colorblind at all. LMM made a point to take POC and cast them in roles intended for white people. Which is an extremely important step for “conditioning” audiences to not expect and picture white people in every role.

DOPE AF. Can’t wait to see it. Fingers crossed Kevin James gets the lead.

Well not really. The intent of the show is obviously to cast POC, but the characters are historically white. (Unless it’s about some other guy named Hamilton...)

they’re not cops or robbers either!!! only white dudes are cops and robbers, so that’s why they are so rep’d on the ‘Way of Broad. Like 99% of b’way shows are about C’s and R’s, didn’t ya know?

Absolutely no snark intended but this movie has truly been made in some form (the frothy ensemble comedy about the vicissitudes of [fill in the blank], set in the perpetually-sunny Los Angeles”, a million times?

isn’t she on the View? or was she ousted already...?

The happiest day of my life will be the day we never have to hear about / talk about / think about that supremely phony, willfully precious, adult-child idiot Jenny Slate. I realize this day will likely never come.

Wait this is the dumbest thing I ever saw?