
Portraying Jews as racists who would be delighted to see the extermination of blacks (or any other group) is it’s own form of Antisemitism. Every year at Passover, we remind ourselves to welcome the stranger, to give solace to the refugee, and to care for the widow and the orphan. Because we’ve been there and because

Counter-point: If Susan Sarandon’s endorsement on November 1st is something that could effect the way you choose to vote, you’re already a big part of the problem.

Well, she’s a white entitled idiot who won’t be affected if Trump wins so, OF COURSE SHE DOES.

Nothing good can come from a man named Erick Erickson.

Legally Bland

I am trying, very hard, to come up with SOME sympathy for KK, but I just can’t. I am sure she went through a horrible ordeal, but I just don’t Kare. I am glad to hear that production of KUWtK is on an indefinite hiatus. Hopefully they will be able to discover that living in the limelight may not be as alluring as it

This is something far too few people are asking.

The nav system has a male voice that is always interrupting you.

In response to Michelle’s comments, Melania Trump said, “Uh, no, not really. No, because you have to be in it, if you’re in it, and if you don’t agree you’d should have agreed before they ran. Bottom line is, if I didn’t agree with what Barack was saying, I would not support his run. So...I stand there proudly, and I

To be fair, if the police’s account is true, he was 13 (not 5) and should know better than to pull a toy gun (that looks exactly like a real gun) on the police.

It’s shitty that Martin had her idea stolen but “you are you” is the “water is wet” of self-affirmation.

The font is similar, but the interpretation of the brush strokes is different. As you state the phrase is cliché and honestly you could probably find stuff 10-20 years back that looks very similar and isn’t this artist. I don’t think this outrage is justified.

Things like this are why I think intellectual property law is unnecessary and cumbersome. If you make something and don’t want people to know about it or use it, then keep it to yourself.

There is nothing inherently feminist about anything except for not being treated differently (more oftenly, worse) because of your choices, actions, and beliefs since you don't have a penis.

Choosing chastity because you dig that lifestyle is feminism. Choosing chastity because sex = sin and realizing that you like being chaste is Stockholm Syndrome.

Sure, but that doesn’t stop douchebag Jezebel hipsters from shaming her choice and labeling that trash “feminism”.

Right? They’re both super ugly.

The sad thing is that it is impossible to be truly moral in a capitalist society. Even the devices we use to post comments here contain components made from conflict minerals, and there is a human cost attached to almost everything we buy.

Just because they’re “ethically sourced” does not mean there is not a significant profit margin involved. It’s kind of assholish to scold people for buying shoes they can afford (“if you’re buying a $60 pair of shoes they did significant damage to the environment/economy”) but then sell the “ethical” shoe at a

so i just learned recently that it’s not pronounced with a Z: