
Tell us: how did it feel to get tossed out of the show last night?

That’s a I don’t know how to respond to such an irrelevant post.


Did you miss the part where a Brazilian judge said that filing a false report was “not that serious” down there? The swimmers were dumb, but you can’t just impose arbitrary penalties like seizing passports and now this ludicrous $11k extortion. It’s you who is treating Brazil like some third-world, lawless land.

I think posting her picture in that dress again is appropriate revenge. For now.

All elite athletes are genetic anomalies, but this is the only one being singled out

This article is garbage though.

Yeah, didn’t know this, and it kind alters my view on the whole story.

I do not read this as body sculpting, but rather making sure you are strengthening your whole body. This is something that typically needs to be done intentionally, because we tend to gravitate towards exercises we “like more” (typically those we are already strong enough to do ;) ). However, to obtain functional

You are just shrill and obviously defensive. The woman has much too much adipose tissue for her frame, and I would bet her heart has an UNHEALTHY amount of fat encasing it. If you ever saw an autopsy, you would understand. Or just google it. If she is happy, and enjoys clothes shopping at her size, then bully for her.

There’s nothing wrong with saying she’s fat/overweight. I don’t think the OP meant it as a value judgment.

Sample size are sample sizes because they are made from a limited quantity of fabric. If you don’t understand how clothes is made and how much it costs to make, maybe you should stay quite about it. People acting like designers and their teams have absurd amount of budget to spend on fabrics to make samples of ALL

*Sofia Vergara, for instance, has talked about having seamstresses on call who completely reconstruct the sample size items she is sent to wear, if it’s even possible that is.

I think this would be even more powerful if it featured a wider range of body types, including some that look traditionally fit or slender but still would never fit in a sample size in a million years. It’s not just the so-called plus-size women who can’t wear them. It’s the vast majority of women. That’s why it’s so

“It’s not a glass ceiling, it’s a thick layer of men.” I can’t remember who said it though....