
That chips story is pretty sad honestly.

Was expecting a lot from this one, but the reception seems pretty lukewarm so far. Love the singles tho, looking forward to hearing the album. Haven't really loved a MG record since Transcendental Youth, but boy do I love it. Great band all the same.

I dont know, i just think he has a very unique and interesting style nonetheless, and although i can't say i'm in love with all of his choices (some of his work feels a bit too over the top, heavy handed or showy to me, which is why i was pleasantly surprised with Julieta's low-keyness), i've always been entertained

Probably a wildly unpopular opinion, but this is by far in my top 3 films from him. That being said, I've never been a huge fan (although I have seen almost all of his work), but I thought this was beautifully shot, delicate and incredibly well-written, with a newfound sense of restraint and melancholy. Beautiful

Wow @supersatanic. Don't know how you got to that conclusion from my comment. But hey, if you want to leave it at me being a uneducated tool because I don't agree with you instead of actually trying to argue against my point like the comment right below you just did, i guess that's up to you.

I'll never understand why anyone would think that Luhrmann is the one to do anything, really. Terrible director.

Agreed. If anything, the writing on this show only improved and gained in range this season.

Man you guys are being way too harsh on this show, it's fucking fantastic. Way better than, I don't know, Silicon Valley for instance.

I have to say I couldn't really get into this album, and I'm a big fan of these guys. But then again I listened to it while cleaning my oven, so I may not have been in the most rocknroll of moods. I don't know.

I love this band, and I cant' seem to really get into this album after 5 or 6 listens, which makes me confused and sad because the consensus seems to be that it's their best record. To me this has absolutely nothing on Sorry and especially DF. Okay everyone can go back to celebrating now.

After making True Blood mildly fun for a second, making The Good Wife look sexy for a minute, and making Pitch Perfect watchable for a movie, she moves on to her next magic trick : making UKS even better.

Okay guys, I'm not from around here (as my pseudonym makes abundantly clear I guess), and, mock me if you want, this is the first time I've ever heard of that song OR that guy. I'm listening to it right now, and if it is really as massive in the US as that guy is making it to be, I'm so sorry. It's truly terrible.

As far as I'm concerned, this season didn't need any reigniting at all. It just keeps on igniting.

Seriously though, you guys are criminally underrating this show. It's awesome, and that episode was definitely an A.

I hate Jason, and intensely want to punch that sarcastic nonchalant grin out of his face every time he appears on screen. That is all I wanted to say.

Well there's already been some pretty prestigious names dropped here, but this is definitely my favourite rock song with a horn section ever :
Tell me THAT didn't work.

This is the one show right now where I care about absolutely all the characters.

"I'm not even sure if I like my kids anymore". Gee, way to be cold. This show's characters don't really make any sense anymore. Also, I hate Jason and his cool wisdom sarcastic grin act. Hell, come to think of it, I kind of hate this season altogher.

On their review for Savages' Adore Life, the AV Club seeks failure through rushed opinion.

Everyone in Transparent. Except for Carrie Brownstein. She's like an angel in the ninth circle of hell in that show.