The A.V. Club’s slow disintegration has been horribly depressing to witness.
The A.V. Club’s slow disintegration has been horribly depressing to witness.
Horrible that we now live in a reality where Sean O’Neal isn’t answering a question like this.
Kill yourself.
How can a single person be described as “diverse”?
The thing is, Leftover was outstanding.
Neat story, bro.
lol you’re trash
You provide absolutely nothing to the human race. Your mother should have had you sucked out.
Ugggghhh such bullshit
So you’re an idiot. Helpful.
Kindly step the fuck back until straight men treat fart jokes with the sort of “ewww, no, we can’t even joke about that” attitude that they treat queef jokes.
Until then, shut ya mouth.
The A.V. Club in its dying days is still pretty great, as evidenced by this headline.
Honestly, watching a bunch of Hot CW “Teens” walk around a Canadian forest while Imagine Dragons’ “Radioactive” plays was a fairly off-putting way to start the show. It’s not indicative of the storytelling, and I’m afraid it was probably enough for people to say “no, thanks” on Netflix. A shame, really.
Disappointing? Sure. Atrocious? Have you seen Ghostbusters 2?
Season two is a clear highlight. I’m still baffled that season four decided to raise the stakes to “Second Nuclear Apocalypse” and the show somehow pulled that off.
Gretchen Carlson is trash.
Another win for the alt-right.
Wow. I actually never would have guessed that plotline was included because of outside reasons. I thought the showrunners just wanted to link Diyoza and McReary in a way to put the pause button on their wanting to kill each other.
I honestly would have been so upset to see her go. She’s one of my faves.
Murphy is consistently the funniest and most relatable character. I heart him so.