probly a small adder
I’m from Newcastle, and lived in Wales for a few years, driving delivery vans in mid-Wales, so I’m very familiar with the countryside, but I obviously need to spend more time there, never seen one before. I’ve even delivered near some of the WRC stages, Sweet Lamb was at the far corner of my delivery zone. Certainly…
I almost added my ex from Swansea in here, but I thought I’d be nice.
in the UK:
The message is clear; DON'T FUCK WITH JALOPNIK
Yeah, I'm sure she and her family are more proud of her looks than the fact that she worked incredibly hard in school and became a fucking aerospace engineer.
This is why the WRC cars have GPS transmitters. but I dont they ever thought a car would sink underwater... and this could have been on El Chocolate.. 45 km or so. That one stage is 1/3 to 1/4 of the length of an entire two day rally in the US.... narrowing the search area?
I can grab my book from 2012 but I think…
You should watch Snatch while eating said bacon!
well, he is an 'orrible cunt
Does Bernie own a pig farm?
Horrible, I know...but this post made me laugh my head off.
They're being dropped into water. Fish have +10 water immunity on all standard scoring sheets.
Perhaps you're right, but that's still one of the most oft-repeated bits of racing trivia in the known universe...
Sort of a big thing to not mention in the article, eh?
HA! Al lives in Point Loma and I've seen him running around town for months and finally had a chance to creep, I mean, follow him home to find out WTF was going on there. As strange as it appears, the guy did a top rate jerb on the build. He's a body shop tech and it shows in the quality of work. But, yeah, super…
I hope it's paid for by right-wing tears.