
@icfan: "Ah well, the people will revolt, eventually."

"genocide will not be tolerated"

@TVs_Frank: It's a Yen. Italy uses Euros.

@lazy.Lemming: Wrong. The xenomorphs adopt host DNA too.

You can get a Styrofoam head at a beauty supply store for five bucks. Anyone who pays 200 bucks for a piece of plywood is too stupid to live.

@icromaholic: Yeah but the human alien hybrid was a byproduct of science and they showed the failed versions.

@GregDean: That and all the humans and Jaffa would be using languages based off earlier earth ones anyways.

Anyone else wanna play a really hardcore game of Black and White on this thing?

90% of the "aliens" in the Stargate universe are humans or lightly modified humans like the Jaffa.

Only if it's something like a Visa cash card or Amazon.

Last audiophile related gift I received was Burzum - Belus on vinyl.

The day this happens is the day it'll be time to riot at your network provider's headquarters.

First they say dinosaurs had feathers now they're telling me my favorite dinosaurs were a bunch of gay ass vegetarians.

@toleroapto: It's not a bad tool. Just criminal how much they charge for some idiot to pop it in.

I keep these CD's in my backpack

@Full_Melt_Bubble: Do hipsters actually ride their bikes to anywhere besides Starbucks and their liberal arts college though?

@nixternal: Not to mention that at least here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas there's not always sidewalks to ride on.