
And we haven't deployed national guard on the boarder why exactly?

How about not using an archaic encryption algorithm that your average netbook can crack (DES) for your password list?

I don't have anything constructive to contribute. I just want to say that a monkey throwing a snowball is the cutest thing I've seen in a very long time.

Am I correct to assume this is a useless tweak on a rig with an SSD?

@MifuneT: This is what happens when you raise everyone to think that they're special and that their opinion matters.

@your-name: Oscar Wilde was the first hipster?

@archercc: It's about impact. Doesn't have to be good. Fuck, Bin Laden won just a few years ago.


I changed my SSID to "FBI Surveillance Van #08" but left it open as a little experiment. Eight weeks in an nobody's had the balls to access it.

@ru486: For all we know Magic Johnson is one of those who's resistant.

@disturbo: Not really relevant. That's like saying it isn't the knife that kills you; it's the blood loss.

Sorry, but why would you waste precious stem cells on a man who the doctors had no reason to suspect wasn't terminally ill anyways?

@AngryBeaver: Quake was a proof of concept. It's only a matter of time before you'll be playing Crysis on your mobile phone.

@darmor09: No reason games such as WoW can't be ported via HTML5 like Quake II was.

@Gorgula: Pfft, I'll pirate the books if I can.

@ydmfg: The first world isn't the problem when it comes to population.

I'm friends with my sister and sister-in-law and some of her extended family that I'm cool with. I'd be friends with my brother but he's not exactly the social networking type (neither am I really but alas peer pressure). I'll friend any relative that wouldn't mind stumbling across a few pictures of me drunk or doing

I love it. I'm tired of ricer computers that look like they were designed by people at a rave.

Anyone else planning on going bookless and rocking a kindle?