Tyler Knew and Turk! Wendell Ate Won Too

Dozens. Probably look like yours except they’ve all been colored in.

This is you laying on your back trying to pretend you can see your pecker over your gut.

Thank you, my eyes are finally open. Barstool is a font of feminism.

Think of Deadspin what you will, Barstool is, at best, rabid racoon roadkill.

I took this story as a synecdoche that he’s a douche all the time.

Are you kidding me? It’s a crapshoot but the fans near you are always worth talking to in any arena. My favorite trip to a Celtics game was a random game against the Hornets just before Pierce and Walker started to get good. We sat behind two townies who regaled us with tales of the ‘80s Celtics (I was old enough to

There’s hope Rozier and Larkin will be back, but the fact there’s hope Larkin will be back is testament to how Boston’s depth has been plumbed.

I’d like to pretend like I am not excited about tonight’s Celtics game, but it’s hard because Brad says I should see significant minutes based on my history of NBA Jam success.

Have we considered the possibility he’s just incredibly polite?

Really? It doesn’t sound very Classy.

Nice to know Marvin Barnes’ game could translate to the modern era. If he would ever get in that time machine.

Can’t believe how quickly I recognized him. As for HoC, we need to know which version you mean, the ok Howard Hessman version or the ok Billy Connolly version?

Now playing

Between Waltah taking his music studio to Illinois and Teddy Donato’s kid starring for the Bruins, take your pick . . .

+1 Tommy Westphall

I would think pink porkers would be his style.

Sad to find out a childhood hero is hooked on heroin. Or is that only code for members of The Flaming Lips?

“Action Hank!”

Where in the world are you getting that from? They held him out for an extended period of time last year after he sustained a concussion and then kept him out for multiple games this year when he didn’t as a precautionary measure. It’s ok to be wrong on the details, but exactly backwards seems strange.

“Hey Jemele, it’s Chris! says I am partly African-American . . .”