Tyler Knew and Turk! Wendell Ate Won Too

My God, “What is Bitcoin” is basically Biff from Back to the Future thinking he found a super-cool, down with the kids way to ask, “Do you smoke weed?”

Well, given you’d only ask a tough, gritty, winner of a white kid to do this, I’m sure he will give it a shot.

What about the Irish?

Or my white-trash neighbors who tried to taunt my Vietnamese friends by yelling Spanish at them.

We researched this extensively when my wife was pregnant and the answer was obvious in retrospect: not a goddamn one.

My dentist.

Awesome! I’ve read through the whole Aubrey & Maturin books 3 times, grew up with a sailboat and still don’t remember what most of the terms mean. I guess the British repurposed “jury rig” to make a slur for the Germans they were fighting. As far as I’m concerned, it’s an improvement over their usual “Irish __” for

Nah, in England during the war (darling), it was jerry-rigged. Which both makes me believe in this and makes me think its a very specific bit of racism as I’ve never heard it. And all racists tell me their secrets.

Rather than finding another term, you could just stop being so stupid as to be ripped off.

Nah, it’s the WEEI employee handbook.

Oh wow. If you have a cassette somewhere labeled that, can you please make me a dupe. I am now trying to imagine dropping Ted into 2018 WEEI and who would break first.

John Stuart Content Mill.

Now playing

God, I found Hot Chip on Napster back before I understood anything and I thought the “vocal” their label had put on top of things to stop you from downloading songs off the Internet was actually part of the track and I couldn’t understand what people were excited about.

If you’re going to acquit New England of racism, I don’t think your time in the ass-end of Maine is persuasive. I assume the Moxie bottles up there are still WWII-era caricatures.

Should I move far away, like to a goat farm?

When has it ever gone bad when the Niners grabbed an Italian-American QB tangentially related to Tom Brady? Bet the house here!

“Fake news.”

L comes right after K so I would guess “Losing”. What do I win?

(Pathetic request to be ungreyed)

You damn SJWs conveniently ignore the fact Schiano knows more about how to staph a locker room than you ever will.