
Instead of a madonna/whore dichotomy, I think Trump employs a fat pig/bimbo dichotomy. Kelly is not fat or ugly, and she’s not a bimbo because she keeps challenging him. At first, he was pissed that she was given permission to do so, but now that it’s clear FOX isn’t going to hide her away to appease him, she is now

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

I feel so weird when the NFL does something right for a change.

Thank you! That does make it a little more interesting. But it also seems like they are using that plot point to manipulate viewers into pitying a very unlikable character. An asshole is an asshole, and tragedy doesn’t really excuse that.


No no no, not being judgey at all, just honestly wanted to know. It’s not clear in the article, and television often makes drinking and driving seem like a lesser crime than it actually is. If it subverts that trope, that’s awesome.

I loved flaked because it was so much like my real life! I TOO killed someone, faked being sober and being in AA and tricked EVERYONE into thinking I was a sober, pretended to be deep and enlightened and repentant to get people to sleep with me. I didn’t treat them like shit though, I AM JUST COMPLICATED, OKAY? LIFE

Did he actually kill a little boy when driving drunk? Did he go to jail for it? That’s kind of a fucking horrible crime to mention in passing. I hate when films and television fail to take things like this seriously.

I don’t know, man. I thought I’d like this show because I seriously heart Will Arnett , but I couldn’t get through a single episode. I can’t do melancholy skinny white bro angst anymore. Is this show really even intended for a Jez audience?

I’m off to bleach my eyeballs now.

OMG brilliant dirty dad joke!

I tried to be mad at you for beating me to this comment, but then I watched the gif and we all win, together.

It’s an horrific practice. Some of these men fathered children as well, and then, left to go back to their “real” family. Honestly, the whole thing is repulsive.

yeah I’m hoping as they go on through time and place they have black characters. Once they hit the later books that are (SPOILERS!) set in revolutionary america they have some great roles for black actors.

She’s your daughter? Wow. Never seem a mother/daughter Kinja combo.

Maybe not! I was super honest to the point of being clinical with Hippie Chick (frequent Jez commenter, now a grown-ass woman). From the first moment she asked me a question about sex and bodies, we had books and charts and information, at a pace she could handle. I knew it was working when she came home from middle

I’m so honest with my kid that shit is gonna backfire for sure.

No this is the doll;