
Not an economist, but you are My People! I remember vividly in 7th grade when some teacher of mine held forth in civics class about how his measly raise has bumped him into a higher tax bracket and now he had SO MUCH LESS MONEY OMG GOVERNMENT MAKING HIM POOR. This just sounded wrong, so I went home, asked my mom, and

I put peppermint Bronner’s in a small container I have labeled “Ball Tingler” and I leave it for the mister. He uses sparingly!

I think you’re onto something. I get terribly nauseous on takeoff and landing if I dare try to focus on anything, but once we’re cruising, I'm fine to read.

I’m so sorry this happened to you and that you ever met this asshole. He is cowardly and cruel. You loved who you thought he was, but he lied to you about who he was. There is really no buffer to this terrible realization - you have to live through this terrible season and come on the other side of it. And you will!

I have a suggestion. Perhaps the NFL could reschedule a televised game or two to accommodate the Presidential debates? Shocking, I know. Involving huge corporations and big contracts, certainly. But that THIS isn't even a consideration says a bit about the US and what relative weight we place on the democratic

Please please please let them use some fabric with some weight to it. I'm so tired of the gauzy crap that won't survive a season.

“The whole experience has made me realize the difference between being pro-choice and being an activist for reproductive freedom.”

Your story breaks my heart. No one should be a secret or a shame just because of the circumstances of their birth. As a parent you have to *know* that deeply as you look at your innocent, beautiful, vulnerable child, and yet as a person who has been treated poorly, I’m sure it still hurts. Some people talk about

That’s really kind, and I try my hardest to do right by everyone involved. But my big “insight” was that I was going to be raising a child who would one day be an adult fully capable of assessing the choices we made on her behalf. She may well decide we could have done better (you always can), but I want her to know

Well, I think the people best suited to talking about loss in adoption are adult adoptees. Of course, birth families experience it as well - there are many first mother/birth mother blogs out there you could find easily that talk a lot about loss, and the grief is palpable and lifelong. My first big resource in

Mark, I’m an adoptive parent. I say this with total love and empathy - find an excellent adoption agency that will talk straight to you about the loss, trauma, and grief inherent in adoption for your future child, their family of origin, and you and your husband. An agency that will council expectant moms on their

Thank God you’re here, because I can’t think of a single friend I could send this story to you who would find it funny and not traumatic. But maybe they think the same thing about me?

That is some serious evil shit. I am so sorry that has happened to you, it sounds wrenching and awful. And now I’m going to give you some advice you probably don’t need and you definitely didn’t ask for, because I’ve survived something similarly horrifying.

There is a Pure Fucking Meanness that runs right through some people. Maybe a lot of people? Surely not most people?

I clicked on this story solely to find this clip in the comments, and watch it again. Oh, how it makes me laugh. Every time. Thanks!

Yes, thank you!

I miss Shade Court. I would like to hear the verdict on this one, esp between :36-:38.

Thanks for writing this. I’ve had a rough go of it lately, gained some more weight and have been cringing when I see myself in pictures. So nice to read something from someone so centered in who they are and what's important to them.

Gah! This seems so horribly possible! I'm sorry for your mom!

Maybe it was intended ironically? I'm ever hopeful.