
Yes, and I would have done anything to avoid them. But when it became obvious that I couldn't, I needed compassionate medical care, not some judgey lady who didn't know my story giving my a rough time.

Me too, two miscarriages and a stillbirth. And when I heard about this story it pushed every single heartbreak button I had.

Well, Farrah, bless your heart. Good luck.

Yes, tragically uncool. And yet, inventive! Using your brain in new ways! We had a series of glyphs.

Code names and symbols! It was awesome.

Yet again, I am so thankful that my teenaged years went by largely undocumented. No Twitter. No Facebook. No interviews. If you could find the notebook I passed back and forth with my best friend from grade 10-12, though, you would find some tragic comic disqualification for coexisting in the human race.

Peter Dinklage. And I don’t care if she doesn’t drink, I'd give my husband's left nut to have a coffee with Carrie Fisher.

I cuddle my 20 month old for 20-40 minutes each night, singing her songs and telling her stories about her day. She then sleeps for 11-12 hours most every night. We’ve had this arrangement for most of her life (when she was under 6 months, she would wake up hungry once or twice), and frankly, I like it. It’s quiet and

Good for Gwyneth and What’s His Name. I know a couple who divorced 15+ years ago, but maintain family vacations and holidays. As all their children grew up, the occasions tapered off, but they are genuinely friendly to one another now. And they won’t be all weird about weddings and grand-babies, etc. They have a truly

Uh, yeah, I know tons, being from around those parts. Anyway, back to my adorable kid. I admit, the first few weeks I sort of went insane and posted every day. But now I’m down to 2-3 pictures a month. Best of the batch, only. (Grandparents have The firehose private feed.) I try not to annoy others and only post

OMG, we must be friends IRL (or at least on FB).

I had been advised by a lovely friend who was widowed by a husband who refused to see a doctor (and subsequently passed young due to heart disease) to ask my husband to promise to get an annual check-up. We also discussed acceptable (and unacceptable) future pets, negotiated religious attendance for future children,

And we're safe. First three rows are all NOT rock/pop musicians. However, my doppelgänger is seated two rows ahead of me. She saw me and was startled, too. So freaky flight for entirely different reason.

They are not boarding first. But one dude keeps finger-drumming on his thigh. They just better not, because I forgot to bring earplugs.

I'll be eyeballing those first few rows something fierce. "All our seats are first class seats," my ass, Southwest.

I am currently waiting to board a Southwest flight and I am eyeballing the hell out of some suspiciously dressed white dudes with traveling together. NOOOO.

I'm not defending the writer or editor in any way, because even if they didn't know, they should have checked with someone who did or look it up. But... I had no idea what this term meant, nor have I heard it often. And I actually do try to note and avoid offensive language and am reasonably educated.

Thanks for explaining. I'm sure I've heard the term before, but I didn't know what it connoted, much less understand that it's a slur when used by an out group.

Mr. Yeppers and I are a cross-class pairing, though I would say that aspect of our relationship has caused far less stress than our different religious backgrounds. I was raised in a devout Christian household, and while I'm not a practitioner anymore, his churchless, largely areligious background is in stark

Yeah, who knows what she was actually thinking. I would just have assumed she, clearly a sexually experienced woman who enjoys pushing boundaries publically, would have encountered a fellow who enjoyed cunnilingus heartily. Or you know, a lady who did. Because making blanket statements about that is just silly.