We’ve still got one. And you can order from the website, if you’re really missing something. https://www.worldmarket.com/category/food-and-drink/drink/juice-soda-water.do
We’ve still got one. And you can order from the website, if you’re really missing something. https://www.worldmarket.com/category/food-and-drink/drink/juice-soda-water.do
You don’t get an off taste with Coke? The only coffeecola combination I like is RC Cola, which is, sadly, getting hard to find.
I don’t know...there was no mention of speaking cat.
Our local newspaper is owned by Gannett and has been demoted to “pretty wrapping paper for the USA Today.”
Yeah. Tripe is such an odd texture. But it’s fine(ish) tastewise and there’s so much else in a bowl of pho, who can be bothered objecting to just the texture of the tripe?
Could have been a fresh-water species. A lot of foods were simply eaten or polluted out of existence because the human race is fairly stupid.
I don’t mind the games when they have a point, like making them identify what’s in a dish and having to figure out the recipe and then cook it, or the one where they have to identify foods by taste. It’s useful to know how to break down a dish that you may have elsewhere and want to (at least attempt to) copy at home.…
I won’t mention more than the doughnuts, then. I was kind of wondering where the fryers went, but some of the equipment (and antics) probably has to do with the show now being partly sponsored by Wayfair (and I am SO TIRED of hearing about “the Wayfair wall” but I guess you gotta get funding where you can?)
No, there were always two chefs and two teams. I can’t remember who the first second chef was, but I think that’s because everyone else who’s done it other than Brown and now Guarnaschelli have been repeat seconds. I think Florence and Flay are probably the best at/about it, but I would be willing to bet that they’ve…
This has been my big problem with Liebowitz. She always seems to make the same artistic choice, and that’s to wash out or “soften” the images by washing everything in grey or some other cool shade that is already somewhere in the composition. This does not work for every subject or every skin tone. (But it’s a hell of…
She seems more willing to help her team through the more confused bits as well. I really wasn’t happy with Alton Brown’s treatment of some of them.
I know, they condense the “this is how you do it” parts way too much now in order to show so much more of the craziness. Some of the contestants are truly off-putting, and those seem to be the ones they’ve started recruiting more of, lately. I preferred it when it was just people who were legitimately clueless.
Maybe you just don’t like gin. That’s perfectly fine.
It is a LOOOOOORRT of fat and cholesterol. It’s something like 30 to 35 percent fat, if I’m remembering right. Not something to have for a light meal, or to have a lot of.
Most people can probably handle a smaller animal like fish, rabbit or any domestic/wild fowl. Same goes for shellfish, if you’re in an area where you can get them fresh. It’s generally more a question of who won’t even consider it/just doesn’t think to do it than it is one of where you’re from. I learned from my Girl…
No use for any of those but the escargot and the squab, really. Load me up with those snails and winged rats!
Could still be worth a try, though. I used to dry cherry and grape tomatoes in my dehydrator and it always surprised me how sweet they would get.
I’m a farina fan, particularly when it comes to wanting a quick meal. Bob’s Red Mill has a brown rice farina that is FAR superior to cream of rice, particularly for a savory meal.
What was camel like? I’ve had many of the other meats you’ve mentioned (rattlesnake instead of python, actually) but well...camels are evil and (if you agree with Pratchett) made entirely out of knees and math.
LOL! Did they really?