We have good taste, not money.
We have good taste, not money.
Yah, I was all set on an Accord 2.0T 6MT, but timing didn’t work out and now looking at used ones....going for stupid money as you’d expect.
That’s still an option, but a Civic Si has become my next likely purchase. If Acura comes out with a Civic Si in a tux, with that crucial 6MT, it’d be pretty compelling!
As a dad…
Ugh, have you considered not being poor? /s
I’d love to... whenever I can save enough to own a $30,000 car... Now that I have a new baby and a new mortgage, it’s not going to happen anytime soon sadly...
Hope she gets some help and
gets back oncan afford her meds.
Part of the issue there is that cheap money is used to rationalize spending more.
Sir Mix-a-lot approves.
I find it absolutely baffling that Honda would create this ‘hatchback’ along with a nearly identical sedan. Considering how sedan-like this ‘hatchback’ is, Honda would have gotten away with just creating the hatchback as the only model. Hatch-haters still would have bought the ‘hatchback’ version thinking it were just…
Why did Honda release it on the set of Bladerunner 2049?
also, I took a bus for the first time in 14 months yesterday after getting a covid car because I had to commute to my office the whole damn time. I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did, but it was probably the cleanest bus I’ve been on in my 10 years of riding. It was nice to put on headphones and scroll on my…
Basically if you already have a vehicle your cost in the game has not changed. If your starting, the goal post just keep moving.
I own a Ram 1500, yeah yeah lame I know, so anyway I’m on a couple of Facebook Ram owners pages and I’ve seen quite a few posts asking for seat belt chime eliminators. When I ask why they wouldn’t just wear their seat belts they come back with what amounts to “Seat belts are for pussies”. For many it’s very much a…
There’s no easy way to fix this. The American pickup truck market is driven by feature inflation; everybody likes to think they could tow 10 tons over an epic series of mountain passes, even though they actually drive one occupant for a few miles along nicely paved roads. Those aspirations determine the size and shape…
Live in Boulder... one of those places without an ocean. It’s bad here too, buddy just sold his house for $120k over asking. Land lovers amirite?
Houses in Minneapolis that were going for $160,000 a few years ago are now selling for $250,000. It is wierd and frustrating. Minneapolis is pretty great, but I always thought the cold would keep us from turning into a Denver/Portland level of expense. Not there yet, but its getting there.
I'm afraid it might not this time. The wealth gap has grown exponentially making it easier for the rich to almost literally buy everything.
“and over 6000 GVWR (for taxes)“
I’m sorry. What is the purpose of this fucking exemption this guy is apparently applicable for with the GVWR tax break? Man. That shit’s infuriating. I can’t even type a rationale sentence out. Imagine buying a $150k car and worrying about taxes. I guess this is why the rich get/stay rich. I hope he fills it with gas…
That’s how you tell a Dad “GOOD JOB!” Good job. Good job, Rob. May she always be a blessing and appreciate in value. Unlike these submissions. ;)