Cat ass trophy

I know I shouldn’t be surprised by how callous both governments and corporations are towards the people living and working under them, but holy crap that’s awful.

Did it take the fire department four hours to put out the fire from that crash?  Was there nobody in the driver’s seat?  Can you see how the two are different?

most gun people I know are DYING for a chance to shoot something. 

Man, really weirds me out to see people pull a gun out and start aiming wildly in a dense neighbourhood like that. Don’t get me wrong, I get “animal attack” and everything, but what a crazy response to see.

Realistically that’s most truck’s main use as well. For every truck that actually gets used there are three ferrying office workers around in the US.

Every 3/4 ton truck I see that is not painted white has one passenger, nothing in the bed and towing nothing more substantial than truck nutz.

I guess hauling one person commuting to work will be its main use anyways.

I mean, there are a few

Are the rumors true? Can a vehicle get negative MPG?

I love these articles. Keeping an old, outperformed, junky vehicle operational despite the huge time investment is the single most Jalop thing possible. Keep them up!

Do you prefer the term foot-lubs?

BMW asks what it’s like to own a BMW, expressly saying BUT DON’T TELL US YOU DRIVE A BMW.

As brake pads wear down, copper and other metals in brake dust are deposited on roadways, where they are washed into streams and rivers.

He is right that people with liberal arts degrees are smarter with their money, mostly because we only have three dollars.

Thank you for writing the antithesis to those patronizing morons up there passing around random judgement and “wisdom” for Kelly.  This is the Jalop answer right here.

I got to say, I’m not sure Porsche got their money’s worth out of this review.

sees slideshow, immediately stops reading/clicking

Because they’re still typically driven by normal people in normal conditions. 

Can anyone explain why small cars like the GTI and Civic have to modify their front-end design for safety, but it’s perfectly fine for every pickup truck to have a front grill as tall and flat as a brick wall?

I expect the news to get worse. The Covid-19 pandemic is picking up speed in the US where too many people resolutely refuse to take even basic precautions. It’s not often you see an entire country invite the reaming, but we’re doing it.