Cat ass trophy

Man Tom you give some pretty awesome car buying advice. Everything you said about buying a car remotely is true. If I didn’t enjoy the car-buying process so immensely I would hire you myself :-). If you don’t mind, I’ll add a couple of personal items that I’ve stumbled across the hard way (ie, not being a car-buying

Might be coincidence that Bubba got that garage. But that is a straight up fucking noose. All you noose truthers out there can eat shit.

Not to mention an actual plague....NC now has more COVID infections per day than New York.

your story seems to completely validate the premise of the article that the police are bad at deciding who and when to stop?

It seems like we are nearing the point where we could do most if not all traffic enforcement with cameras or other similar monitoring. Obviously in order for that to be reasonable, we need to make sure speed limits are actually appropriate, and need to understand that if you can fine every offender, there’s no need

I agree with your point, but a company should be able to survive more than a few months.  Prior to all this Hertz was trading at what, 20 a share?  What warranted such a valuation if 3 months is all it takes to break the company?

Here are the first two sentences.

Not related, but sending good vibes your way given the current scenario at your employer.

Because Tom loves going going, back back, to Cali Cali.

Yea, my gut says it’s safe to reopen now! Why should I listen to pandemic experts who say it’s the wrong time? Muh Freedom!

Right up there with jacked-up vehicles having headlights raised to the point where they blind drivers in front of them if they look in the mirror. I would be happy to see laws mandating the maximum height from the road surface for headlights for a vehicle to be legal to drive on public roads. 

Hey uh, heads up. Pedestrians are going 3 MPH and not piloting >two ton weapons of destruction. The responsibility is on the drivers.

Stop blaming pedestrians.

I was waiting for the right wing talking points to make their way here. The USPS does NOT lose money because it allows Jeff Bezos and Amazon to “just drop packages on the floor” and say “deliver it.” The USPS actually breaks even or makes a tiny profit on operations every year. The ONLY reason that they need a bailout

There’s equal real evidence for either interpretation. If pressed, I’d say both are total horseshit.

Don’t forget people lifting their F-150s and Jeeps with OEM LEDs, and then neglecting to have them re-aimed.

He’s already been trying blame Obama for the slow release of the test kits after defunding the Obama-era working group tasked with dealing with pandemics...

Anything I want to know?

I’ve got zero curiosity about a toy that costs significantly more than the home I cannot afford to buy.  A shiny bauble that our society has the same value as nineteen years of a minimum wage workers toil. Sorry.

Knobs forever! The fact that we’re replacing tactile features for something you can only control by looking at it while you click is not only annoying and unsafe, but completely unsatisfying. If I wanted to play on my tablet I would have stayed on the couch!

That only works if no one saw the recession coming. That’s why 2009 was such a great time to buy a car or house. This time? Every company is preparing for a slowdown.