Cat ass trophy

Your seat heaters might be defective

For a commuter? Take my money!

It’s actually kinda spooky. Oversteered turning right, then recovered and drove dead straight for a split second, then just flipped the fuck out and spun left.

Exactly my experience. I had one for a day then had some spare time and went up I70 for a scenic drive. Foot to the floor, engine roaring, but doing 50 and slowing. Let alone the terrible visibility and the rest. Worst rental ever.

Supra in a fatsuit.

“watch out for idiots.” ...

What’s the median vehicle transaction price in the US for a hatchback?

Frickin proprietary TG video. Jerky, out of sync audio, no chromecast.

Self driving cars just seems like a bad fit for Apple.

To be fair, that’s pretty much what the guy said. He didn’t say it was a rip off - you get what you pay for is all.

Out of curiosity, why won’t they allow the R8?

If it’s got 4 wheels, a hitch and a buttload of torque, It Can Tow.

Liftback: sedan done right.

Exactly. A hatchback for people who are too embarrassed to buy an actual hatchback, so they get a fraction more space and a fraction worse fuel economy / emissions and pay a fraction more for it. But not a hatchback! Whew.

I always wondered about this. If I’m renting a car it’s probably to drive a long distance so I’m certainly going to connect for audio navigation and listening to podcasts.

Oh man. Butt clench every time they brake into a corner.

Totally. Before I started cycling I was probably one of those ignorant drivers. Now, I love cycling, and I (still) love driving.

That 570GT sure looks like the sweet spot.

Just echoing what others have said: this is a stellar review.

I gotta assume all manufacturers do this, to all others - or at least to the models they find interesting for one reason or another. Exceptional cheapness is as good a reason as any.