Cat ass trophy

Curious what you mean by real towing? In other countries V8 sedans tow small trailers (landscaping material, home renovation, bikes, boats, etc) all the time.

Will never happen in America. Population density is far too low.

Interesting to compare the aerodynamics of these two hoods. Convex on the Porsche, concave on the Lamb. Which approach has less air resistance?

Two kids in one seat, so what.

It’s not about fuel economy, it’s about emissions in urban environments when you’re at lights or stuck in traffic.

Just a random example: Charge 3D print their titanium bicycle hangers:

Gimmick entrance aside, a boring garage too. Parking lot facing wall of “vintage” racing posters. Yawn.

And it was 1.6 a year ago - brexit uncertainty has weighed on the currency since then, so it’s 15% on top of 10%. Instead of a remain outcome and recovery, we’ve got a leave outcome and a crash, baking in that 25% fall.

I’ve driven roads just like that in the SW of England and you’ve got to drive to the conditions. Long stretches will have a high speed limit but that doesn’t mean it’s appropriate for every part.

Yep, way too fast over a crest and around blind corners. Could just as easily have been a cyclist or a horse rider (or two) surprising him instead of an overtaking car. Slow the fuck down. “Everyone does it” is a piss poor excuse.

I would also change the guest-spot back to just one celebrity and do an actual interview. All it is now is superficial fluff and frankly a waste of time.

And is a warning that that cars should never be fully autonomous.

That Top Gear segment in last episode with Rory valiantly drowsy-driving through the night to Geneva was really terrible.

Rory’s piece advocating driving while exhausted was pretty awesome.

We wouldn’t even be having this referendum if Nigel “I’m-not-racist-but” Farage hadn’t given David Cameron a scare on the eve of the election last year.

You jerks kept buying automatics and now here we are - it’s a slippery slope!

Nah. It has pretensions of being a sports car (“pretty much an F-Type”) but doesn’t offer a transmission that would offer the most enjoyment, even as an option. They deserve a ribbing. Obviously I don’t speak for you or anyone else. America’s preference for automatic everything is well known. What even are gears.

I suppose that infotainment software is a result of the Jaguar Land Rover R&D / incubator lab in Portland, OR. They must be pretty pleased at the reception.

No fun pedal, no deal.

why all white?