Cat ass trophy

Huuuge in niche media unrelated to auto journalism/hoonalism. I lived in London for 8 years and never heard of the guy until TG.

What fantastic colors on the Lamborghinis. Damn.

Hopefully those in charge will put 2 and 2 together and see that the heroes of the show, the ones that will save it from cancellation, are the ones that had been sidelined until now. More of them, less of the annoying git, please.

Yeah, the difference is stark. Hope the producers can see what everyone else can.

Seriously. A much much better episode.

It’s a question of budget. Where is the sweet spot of purchase price & maintenance budget given, say, a 3 year period of ownership and, say, $35k total expenditure?

Lol why?

The term is much more common here than elsewhere, maybe because Americans love to borrow money for their cars instead of buying them outright. Negative equity is a better term.

Interesting question. It’s not really an extension of myself if I’m not actually driving it. So who cares what it looks like?

We’ve been in a height-race since the SUV explosion 20 years ago. This is just the latest phase with the availability of low cost tall hatchbacks.

Looks like a space saver spare to me.

That poor STI :(

I feel like asshole-ry is really not the right word to describe attempted murder.


Official camera bikes. A rider and a passenger with camera sending live footage for broadcast. They’re not supposed to interfere with the cyclists in any way.

Hertz gave me a Compass today. What a dog.

Or they could manufacture it up to US/Euro standards, with US/Euro prices, and sell 99% less in the target market.

Interesting. Why do people buy McLarens? Mainly for the exclusive experience of sitting in one and looking like a badass to observers. That’s not going away, ever.

Barf, “Knightsbridge edition”. I thought that was a joke.

You can’t psychologically dominate your neighbors and fellow road users with a vehicle less than 8 ft tall.